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Archive for the ‘George W. Bush’ Category

Change has come to America!

Posted by QB on December 20, 2008

Barack Obama used this phrase on election night after winning the election. I too believed that that the change has really come into American politics until  Barack Obama announced his cabinet which does not give me any hope of change with his administration. Hillary Clinton does not believe in diplomacy is the Secretary of State. She strongly believe that there should be no negotiations with Iran, she believes that Iran must be obliterated, she supports trade embargo on Cuba, she supports are Israel aggression unconditionally, she voted for Iraq invasion. How she could be Secretary of State for change?

Robert Gates still Secretary of Defence. Barack Obama election promise was to end Iraq war immediately is now saying that he will listen to the advice of Generals on Iraq, this is the same policy from last eight years adopted by Bush regime. This is not the change Americans voted for.

Barack Obama also promised to bring social reforms for poor and middle class which he can’t do before inauguration, so that still is some hope for change in America.

Posted in Barack Obama, Barak Obama, George W. Bush, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, Politics, US Politics | 19 Comments »

Michael Ware offer Presidential Candidates Iraq solution.

Posted by QB on May 30, 2008

Michael Ware call US Officials divorced from reality in Iraq, he was replying to John McCain presidential race discussion on Iraq.

BLITZER: And joining us now, our correspondent in Baghdad, Michael Ware — Michael, what do you make of this to-do that’s going on here, whether or not Barack Obama should actually go to Baghdad, see what’s going on?

Senator McCain saying, you know, he should go over there and talk to Iraqis, talk to U.S. military and diplomatic leadership over there.

What’s your sense of this — this whole uproar?

MICHAEL WARE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, to me, honestly, Wolf, it seems like a bit of a storm in a teacup. I mean I have to say from the outset, I’ll give respect to any U.S. decision-maker who wants to come and see at least what it is they can see, no matter how narrow that prism is.

However, I’ll issue a word of caution, too. I mean Senator McCain has been here, what, more than half a dozen times. And we’ve seen him get assessments of Iraq terribly wrong. So I wouldn’t be hanging my hat on the fact that your opponent has only been here once.

And let’s not forget what do American officials get to see?

Well, they get to see the rooftops of a lot of Iraqi houses as they chopper over them or across vast expanses of desert. They get to see rooms in the inside of U.S. bases in the Green Zone, both of which are divorced from reality. And they’ll get inundated with military briefings.

Now, in these briefings, in the past, officials have been told the insurgency was in its death throes, there was no civil war, that Iranian influence wasn’t that big a problem, that Al Qaeda had been defeated. I mean, you really aren’t going to get much of a real picture. It’s almost by definition impossible.

And General Petraeus, the commander in the war here, doesn’t pull any punches. So you almost could gain as much from having a private chat with him when he was last on Capitol Hill.

Nonetheless, I say, respect to anyone who wants to come here and try. But, really, don’t raise your expectations — Wolf.

BLITZER: You’ve been there now what for some five years.

What would a U.S. leader — a major senator or presidential candidate or a president, for that matter, really need to do to go over to Iraq and get a sense — a real understanding and appreciation of what’s going on?

A, how long would they have to stay, and how would they be able to do it? WARE: Well, obviously it can be very, very difficult. And I guess, in many ways, they’ve got to rely on their deputies and lieutenants, because any answer you get is not going to be one without a filter. They’re going to be — they’re going to be shaped in one way or another.

Any Iraqi official you talk to is going to play the same old game. They’re going to tell the Americans what they think the Americans want to hear. And American commanders have to impress, as well. I mean and they’ll give as frank an assessment as they can. But so often we’ve seen, even the American commanders have made miscalculations during this war. And let’s not forget, I mean, the strictures of a U.S. official coming here, they’re such a grand target.

Now, let’s compare that to the visit of the Iranian president, Ahmadinejad. He announces a visit weeks in advance. He didn’t come in secret. He drove from the airport, didn’t chopper. He stayed outside the Green Zone overnight and he walked the streets of Baghdad. And he didn’t have 100 American troops around him, like Senator McCain.

So it’s going to be extraordinarily difficult for them to ever get a real picture. Perhaps, for example some other people — I’d be more than willing. I’d challenge either candidate who comes here to sit down and give me 20 minutes. And I speak to the insurgents, I speak to the militias, I speak to the Iranians and I speak to the Iraqi officials in their private moments.

Let’s have a shot at it — Wolf.

BLITZER: Maybe they’ll just do that.

Michael, thanks very much.

WARE: Thank you, Wolf.

Source : CNN Transcripts.

Hillary Clinton still bitching around pretending to be the nominee with Bill Clinton, James Carville, Paul Begala with all her campaign staff. The arguments they are making are lies and stupid that she will be nominee dividing Democrats which will result in defeat in November.

John McCain should read this report and then honestly defend his opinion of keeping US troops in Iraq for 100 years. The majority of Iraqis don’t want us occupation military in their country neither they want permanent US military bases. Withdrawal is the only option which will be used by Al Qaeda as the defeat. The Afghanistan war too will have the similar ending.

Iraqis say Marine handed out Christian coins

Posted in Barack Obama, Barak Obama, George W. Bush, Hilary Clinton, Iraq, John McCain, Middle East War, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, Presidential Race 2008, US Politics | 4 Comments »

Bush believe Iraq is success.

Posted by QB on March 29, 2008

Bush yesterday said during the joint press conference with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd that Australian troops are leaving after the successful military operation just like 5 US brigades will leave Iraq after the successful operation. Bush also make some ridiculous success claims but this success statement was on top of all his other statements. There is nobody in Bush regime to tell him the truth that Iraq is still a big failure and I believe he only get the positive briefing on Iraq.

The facts reflect Iraq as more failure than success, Basra and Southern cities are in control of Mahdi Army, Green Zone rockets attacks are now daily routine. The US military blame this violence on Iran that they are supplying weapons to Mahdi Army is absurd. The truth is that Iranians are supporting Nuri Al Maliki government providing support to Badr Brigade which is the government backed pro Iran militia group. Muqtada Al Sadr is nationalists and his Mahdi Army is fighting with Badr Brigade for dominance in Shi’ite Southern province. Iran can’t be on the both sides. This is the policy of Bush regime since the beginning of invasion to blame Iran Syria Hizbollah for all their failures.

The US occupation military in five years fail to take control of the region. The violence goes down in one area with huge US military presence and goes up in other areas. This was also reported by Michael Ware that nine thousand Sunni Resistance has joined the Iraqi Police force who are working independently with no Nuri Al Maliki control. Bush has created the religious sectarian mess in Iraq.

The present Iraq situation require a nationalist strong Leader like Saddam Hussein to unite the people and the country. Saddam Hussein who keep sectarian and ethnic hatred under tight government control and there was peace and stability. Iraqis suffer more from US backed sanctions than Saddam Hussein so called brutality.

Posted in Bush, George W. Bush, Iran, Iraq, Middle East War, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, Saddam Hussein, War on Terror | Leave a Comment »

Pervez Musharraf wants to declare “state of emergency” to fight Bush “war on terror”.

Posted by QB on November 1, 2007

The latest Pakistan news is that Pervez Musharraf is trying to convince Bush regime to let him declare state of emergency to fight their “war on terror”. Benazir Bhutto quickly rejected state of emergency fearing that it will be suspension of fundamental human rights. The militants are fighting Pakistani troops in North Frontier Province with popular support of the people, there was news that people have collected over US$ 25,000 in just three hours for militants. The battle between Pakistan troops and militants continue in Northern region of Pakistan which killed atleast 16 Pakistani soldiers. The clashes came a day after a suicide bomb attack less than a kilometre from the army headquarters in Rawalpindi killed at least seven people, including policemen and civilians, and left 11 others wounded. A suicide bomber on a motorcycle rammed a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) bus, killing at least eight people on Thursday as militants inspired by al Qaeda intensified a campaign to destabilize President Pervez Musharraf.

Pervez Musharraf and Bush must admit that their “war on terror” was a mistake, as it is not going in the direction of victory for Pakistan and US in the near future. The situation in the NWFP is becoming more violent increased attacks on Pakistan troops and as well as attacks on US troops in Afghanistan. The state of emergency will not suspend the fundamental humans of common people but it certainly will suspend the Benazir Bhutto dream of getting into power third time. The violence and killing will continue for Pakistani troops and US occupation military in Afghanistan if the rulers just accept their mistakes and try to resolved the conflict with negotiations. The Pakistan military and the US occupation military can’t get rid of Taliban from NWFP and Afghanistan, they will kill few hundreds, who will be replaced by few thousands more whose brothers fathers get killed by the military to take revenge. The way “war on terror” is executed will last for ever.

“In battle, government troops are only trained to run away,” remarks Akbar Hussain, the Taleban commander for Kabal region.“We don’t want to kill them because they are also Muslim, but [the country’s military ruler] Gen Musharraf is using them to advance the Americans’ agenda.”

Officials say Taleban militants beheaded at least eight government troops during two days of fighting over the weekend. Independent sources say the number may be twice that.

The government has accused “outsiders” of perpetrating trouble in Swat, a charge Mr Hussain dismisses.

He attributes the beheading of the troops, a hallmark of well-trained fighters linked to the Taleban and al-Qaeda, to “ordinary local people who lost their loved ones” in Islamabad’s radical Red Mosque.

Posted in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, Al Qaida, Asia, George W. Bush, Musharraf, Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, Politics, Taleban, Taliban, US Open | 3 Comments »

Dennis Kucinich join Hugo Chavez believe Bush is Mental Patient.

Posted by QB on October 31, 2007

Dennis Kucinich join Hugo Chavez by suspecting Bush mental health on Iran.

I seriously believe we have to start asking questions about his mental health,” Kucinich, a quirky, long-shot candidate in the race for his party’s presidential nomination in the November, 2008 election. “There’s something wrong. He does not seem to understand his words have real impact.”He told The Inquirer he did not believe his remarks about Bush’s mental stability were irresponsible.“You cannot be a president of the United States who’s wanton in his expression of violence,” Kucinich said. “There’s a lot of people who need care. He might be one of them. If there isn’t something wrong with him, then there’s something wrong with us. This, to me, is a very serious question.”

Dennis Kucinich and Hugo Chavez come to the right conclusion. Bush infact has mental problem which are the result of his drug addictions and alcoholism. Bush must be examine by the international panel of doctors to determine his mental health. Bush must be immediately be removed from office if found mentally unstable. Bush is dangerous for the world to continue his remaining term.

Posted in Bush, Dennis Kucinich, George W. Bush, Hugo Chavez, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iran Uranium Enrichment, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics | 1 Comment »

Fidel Castro criticizes US democracy and voting system.

Posted by QB on October 29, 2007

On the eve of balloting, Castro hailed the country’s electoral process as superior to that of its northern neighbour, the United States, which also is in the throes of a protracted election campaign.

“Our elections are the antithesis of those held in United States … There, first you have to be very rich, or have an enormous amount of money behind you,” said Castro in an editorial in the official daily, Granma.

In the United States, “to be elected president, you need hundreds of millions (of dollars), which come straight out of the coffers of the big monopolies. A candidate can win who actually got a minority of the popular vote,” Castro marvelled, in a jab at US President George W. Bush who, thanks to the unusual US electoral college system, won the presidency in 2000 even though Al Gore won the popular vote.

“There is fraud, trickery, ethnic discrimination and even violence,” Castro said of the US electoral system.

Fidel Castro is right.

Posted in Bush, Cuba, Fidel Castro, George W. Bush, Latin America, Politics, US Politics | 3 Comments »

Iran condemn new sanctions. ElBaradei interview with Wolf Blitzer.

Posted by QB on October 29, 2007

“”The United State’s newly-unveiled illegal measures against Iranian nationals as well as military, financial and other institutions once again disclosed the U.S. unilateral approach which is doomed to failure due to its illegitimate and hegemonic nature,”” the statement released Saturday said, in reaction to a new set of sanctions against the Islamic Republic announced by the U.S. on Oct. 25, 2007.“”Without doubt, labeling independent countries and their national institutions as terrorist runs counter to the most basic principles of international law, international relations and the UN Charter,”” it added.“”It is clear that despite the massive misleading political and propaganda campaign organized by the U.S. and its proxies, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) is a crucial component of Iran’s military force. In fact, by sanctioning the popular IRGC, the U.S. is targeting the entire Iranian nation,”” the statement noted.“”As recurrently reaffirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency officials and reports, Iran’s nuclear program is completely peaceful and there is no evidence of the slightest diversion from a peaceful path. The U.S. has failed to provide any evidence to substantiate its ‘proliferation concerns’ over Iran’s nuclear activities.””

The dispute between the United States and Iran ratcheted up even higher this past week with the Bush administration’s tough new sanctions against Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and three key Iranian banks. The goal, to try to deter Iran from building nuclear arms, something Iran denies it is even pursuing.

Joining us now from New York for a “Late Edition” exclusive is the man who’s been monitoring Iran’s moves on the nuclear front. Mohamed ElBaradei is the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Dr. ElBaradei, thanks very much for joining us. Welcome back to “Late Edition.”

MOHAMED ELBARADEI, IAEA DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Thank you very much, Wolf, for having me.

BLITZER: I want you to respond to this overall threat that the U.S. perceives comes from Iran, and listen to how President Bush the other day phrased it. Listen to this.


PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: If you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously.


BLITZER: Is Iran, Dr. ElBaradei, building a nuclear bomb?

ELBARADEI: Well, Wolf, let me say three facts to put the Iranian nuclear issue in proper perspective. We are not talking about Iran today having a nuclear weapon as Secretary Rice said recently. Second, even if Iran were to be working on nuclear weapons, according to John Negroponte and Mike McConnell, they at least few years away from having such weapon.

Thirdly, what we are doing right now is, through the IAEA and the European Union, Javier Solana, is to try to make sure that we control the nascent enrichment capability in Iraq and create the conditions for Iran and the European, particularly the U.S., to go into negotiation.

So we are not talking about Iran having today a nuclear weapon. We are trying to make sure that the future intention of Iran is peaceful, and that’s really what we are talking about. Risk assessment of possible future intention by Iran, if they have the technology to develop nuclear weapon.

I say that because at this stage we need to continue to work through creative diplomacy. We have the time. Because I don’t see any other solution, Wolf, except through diplomacy and inspection.

BLITZER: Well, what about the — whether it is a few years down the road before they actually have a nuclear bomb, do you believe there is a clandestine, secret nuclear weapons program right now under way in Iran?

ELBARADEI: We haven’t seen any concrete evidence to that effect, Wolf. We haven’t received any information there is a parallel ongoing active nuclear weapon program.

What we have seen in the past that certain procurements that have not been reported to us, certain experiments. And that’s where we are working now with Iran to clarify the past and the present, but I have not received any information that there is a complete active nuclear weapon program going on right now.

And I think what — if you hear carefully what is being said about Iran, that Iran might — we suspect that Iran might have the intention, but I don’t think I have seen anybody saying Iran today is working actively on a weapon program. And if there are such information, I would be very happy to receive it and go for it — after it.

BLITZER: So, what you’re saying is the United States government has not provided you hard intelligence evidence that Iran is secretly working on this kind of nuclear weapons program.

ELBARADEI: We have information that there has been maybe some studies about possible weaponization. But we are looking into these alleged studies with Iran right now, and that’s why we have said that we cannot give Iran a pass right now, because there is still a lot of question marks.

But have we seen Iran having the nuclear material that can readily be used into a weapon? No. Have we seen an active weaponization program? No.

So there is a concern, but there is also time to clarify these concerns. And we should remember, Wolf, that this has — it’s a question of distrust that has been going on for over — almost half a decade. So, the earlier we go to the negotiation mode between the U.S. and Iran, the better we can resolve the issue.

Sanctions have been applied and sanctions probably will continue to be applied, but as I have said before, and I think everybody agrees that sanctions alone will not lead to a durable solution. Even the security council is saying a durable solution has to be through a comprehensive package deal with Iran, where we discuss not only the nuclear issue but regional security, trade, technology. So, the earlier we use creative diplomacy to move toward such initiation of negotiation, the best for everybody.

BLITZER: Well, let me be precise, because what U.S. officials increasingly are saying now — and you certainly hear this from the Israelis as well — is there is a difference between actually having a nuclear bomb or having the knowledge to build a nuclear bomb.

And they’re increasingly speaking about this threshold of once they have the capability of doing it, it is almost like actually doing it. Do you differentiate between those two points?

ELBARADEI: I do, Wolf. Because having the capability — there are at least 13, 14 countries who have the capability to enrich uranium. Because it is used also for peaceful purposes to develop fuel for power reactor.

That is, frankly, a lacunae, a loophole in the system right now, and I’ve been calling for a number of years, including also President Bush and others, that we need to make sure that no one country should be able to have the enrichment capability or having the capability to also produce plutonium, because you are not very far from having a nuclear weapon should you decide to do that.

However, you know, having the enrichment capability and having a weapon is the wrong way to go. Iran right now has a nascent technology. What we are trying to do right now is keep that technology capability under an inspection. It is under an inspection.

Which I urge Iran to suspend these activities to build confidence. I make sure that we have robust inspection. But until we go into the negotiating mode, until we discuss the global insecurity in a hotbed of stability which is the Middle East, I think we will continue to go into this gradually to a confrontation.

I very much concerned about confrontation, building confrontation, Wolf, because that would lead absolutely to a disaster. I see no military solution. The only durable solution is through negotiation and inspection.

BLITZER: Because the rhetoric coming from Washington, from top Bush administration officials, seems to be heating up. This is what the vice president, Dick Cheney, said last Sunday. Listen to this.


DICK CHENEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The Iranian regime needs to know that if it stays on its present course, the international community is prepared to impose serious consequences. The United States joins other nations in sending a clear message: We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BLITZER: Is that kind of rhetoric helpful or hurtful to what you’re trying to achieve? ELBARADEI: Wolf, it is clearly a question of distrust between Iran and most of the international community, at least the west, the U.S. in particular. And to build confidence, you will not be able to do that through just exchanging rhetoric. You need to go and create a condition to go to the negotiating table.

My fear that if we continue to escalate from both sides that we will end up into a precipice, we will end up into an abyss. As I said, the Middle East is in a total mess, to say the least. And we cannot add fuel to the fire.

Nobody wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Nobody wants any country to have nuclear weapons. I think when you see Kissinger and Shultz and Perry and Sam Nunn saying we need to go toward abolition of nuclear weapons, I think everybody now, it should be a wakeup call. We cannot continue to rely on nuclear weapons — anybody — because it has become decreasingly effective and increasingly hazardous.

BLITZER: Because the U.S. position is — you know, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reiterates it. The U.S. will have negotiations with Iran, direct negotiations, but first the Iranians must stop enriching uranium. Is that a mistaken policy on the part of the U.S. government?

ELBARADEI: Well, this is the U.S. policy. I can’t really pass judgment on it. All I can say, Wolf, the earlier we go into negotiation, the earlier we follow the North Korean model, the better for everybody. Negotiation stopped with North Korea from five years. They ended up with nuclear weapons. They ended up with a nuclear test.

You resume negotiation, now we see a positive result. I always compare between the Korean model and the Iraq model. And I believe that these security or insecurity issues can best — can only be resolved through negotiation.

BLITZER: Here’s what you said back in May in an interview with the BBC on May 8th. You said “you do not want to give additional argument to some of the ‘new crazies’ who want to say let us go and bomb Iran.” Who were you referring to when you spoke about the, quote, “new crazies”?

ELBARADEI: Well, I’m referring, Wolf, to anybody who is saying, “Let us use force right now,” because I believe we still have ample time for diplomacy; and, B, I believe that force is in no way a solution to the problem.

This is an issue of security and trust. You can only resolve that through negotiation. Using force can usually, in most cases, exacerbate the situation rather than improve it. It could even accelerate a drive by Iran, even if they are not working on a nuclear weapon today, to go for a nuclear weapon.

So we can talk about use of force as and when we exhausted diplomacy, as and when we have no other alternative, as and when we think this is the best option. But we are far, far away from that stage.

And I would hope that we should continue to stop spinning and hyping the Iranian issue because that’s an issue that could have a major conflagration, and not only regionally but globally.

BLITZER: Ahmadinejad — Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, when he addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 25th, he said, “All our nuclear activities have been completely peaceful and transparent. I officially announce that in our opinion, the nuclear issue of Iran is now closed.”

Is that true, that all of their nuclear activities have been completely peaceful and transparent?

ELBARADEI: This is by no way the case — in no way the case, Wolf. The file is not closed. We are still very actively trying to reconstruct the history of Iran program to make sure that the past and present activities are exclusively peaceful.

I have a team today in Iran working hard with the Iranian authorities to clarify the past. I need to make sure that the past and the present is clean, and then we need to work with them, the international community, to build confidence about their future intention. And that’s why I’m saying we need diplomacy and — but also we need an inspection and they need to work in tandem.

BLITZER: As you know, the Israelis, in early September, bombed some sort of facility in Syria that was suspected of being a nuclear reactor, maybe a nuclear reactor built on a North Korean model.

I know you’ve seen these pictures. You’ve seen the before and the after. What’s your conclusion? Was this a nuclear reactor that the Syrians were building in their country based on a North Korean model?

ELBARADEI: Wolf, I’m very distressed, frankly, about this Syrian bombing because nobody — there had been chatter for the last few years. John Bolton three years ago went to testify before Congress and said there is concern about Syria.

And yet, until today, we have not received information about any nuclear-related activities, clandestine nuclear-related activities in Syria. The bombing, again, happened, and we never, until today, received any piece of information.

That to me is very distressful because we have a system. If countries have information that the country is working on a nuclear- related program, they should come to us. We have the authority to go out and investigate.

But to bomb first and then ask questions later, I think it undermines the system and it doesn’t lead to any solution to any suspicion, because we are the eyes and ears of the international community. It’s only the agencies and inspectors who can go and verify the information.

If Syria were working on a nuclear program, a clandestine program, then we’d obviously be able to draw the consequences. But today I don’t know where to go. I didn’t get any information. I contacted the Syrians. They said this is a military facility, has nothing to do with nuclear. And I would hope if anybody has information before they take the law into their own hands, to come and pass the information on.

BLITZER: So what you’re suggesting, Dr. ElBaradei, is neither the Israelis nor the U.S. government — or for that matter, any other government — gave you any hard evidence to back up this claim that this was a North Korean modeled nuclear reactor.

ELBARADEI: Or any evidence at all. Not only hard evidence, Wolf.

BLITZER: I know you’ve seen some commercial satellite photos though of the before and after. Are there any conclusions you can draw based on what you’ve seen in those satellite photos?

ELBARADEI: These are commercial satellite photos that we procured ourselves, has not been providing to us. And we’re still investigating them. We’re still comparing the pre and after.

But in addition to us buying commercial photos, I would very much hope that countries will come forward if they have information so we’ll do — go through a due process.

BLITZER: We’re almost out of time, but based on the commercial photos that you’ve seen from these satellite reconnaissance, are there any conclusions that you and your team have been able to come up with?

ELBARADEI: Not at this stage, Wolf. Not at all.

BLITZER: All right, and so it would be premature to allege that North Korea was proliferating in cooperation with the Syrians? Is that what you’re saying as well?

ELBARADEI: That’s correct.

BLITZER: Because I want to play a little clip of what the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Peter Hoekstra, told me here on “Late Edition” last Sunday. Listen to this.


REP. PETER HOEKSTRA, R-MICH.: If North Korea or if Iran or other countries were involved in Syria, it, again, will be an indicator of what kind of agreement they will make and whether they would be willing to adhere to the agreements that they make in public.


BLITZER: Because he certainly seemed to be concerned, and he’s among a handful of members of the U.S. Congress who have been briefed by the Bush administration on what the Israelis did in Syria. He seems to suggest that you can’t trust the North Koreans at all because they’ve been cheating on their promises. I take it you’re not willing to go that far by a long shot. ELBARADEI: I can’t because I don’t have any evidence to support that assumption, Wolf.

BLITZER: Would you like the Israelis to brief you on what they know?

ELBARADEI: Absolutely, or anybody who has information. But you can’t trust anybody. We don’t work on the base of trust. But we — as President Reagan said, “trust and verify.”

And what I want very much is to be able to verify whether Syria, in fact, were working on a nuclear power program in a clandestine way or not. And the only way to do that is get information and to go out and verify.

BLITZER: You have a lot of credibility in these areas, Dr. ElBaradei, because before the war starred with Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein, you were contradicting the Bush administration’s insisting there was absolutely no evidence that Iraq under Saddam Hussein was reconstituting its nuclear weapons program.

Do you feel vindicated as a result of that, as you go into this next round of fears that Iran may be developing some sort of nuclear weapons program?

ELBARADEI: Well, Wolf, I don’t necessarily feel vindicated. I feel relieved that we discovered that Iraq did not have nuclear weapons. I feel also that people now should listen to us, because we have no hidden agenda. All we want to do is bring the facts out.

We should not take decisions that has to do — that crucial to war around peace before we are able 100 percent to make sure that the information on the basis we are working are accurate and professional.

BLITZER: Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei is the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Dr. ElBaradei, thanks very much for joining us. Good luck to you and your entire team.

ELBARADEI: Thank you very much, Wolf. Keep well. Source Link : Wolf Blitzer – Late Edition.

Read it your self to get the facts how Bush Dick Rice are doing what they did with Iraq. Dick still insists that Saddam had the WMD.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, CNN, George W. Bush, IAEA, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics, Wolf Blitzer | 5 Comments »

US Military Attack Action Against Iran.

Posted by QB on October 28, 2007

The drumbeat by Bush regime is getting louder and louder saying the same lies which we heard before the invasion on Iraq. CNN and the mainstream media is busy creating false fears of Iran nuclear program which is in very initial stages is no threat at all for US Europe or Israel. The mainstream media criminally ignoring the facts that Iran uranium enrichment program has produced low grade uranium which can’t be used in nuclear weapons. The mainstream media never reported that Israel has stockpile of nuclear weapons which can blow up the whole Middle East, if Iran has couple of nuclear bombs that does not make them threat for US Israel and European countries. The Iranians are intelligent enough not to use the nuclear weapons because they don’t wanted to get destroyed by Israel carpet nuclear bombing.

The US military did not have a clear victory in Afghanistan and Iraq fighting with Resistance Groups who has outdated weapons and homemade explosive devices and Iran Military is well equipped well organized with the capability to cause the damage beyond American imagination. Iran’s has rockets which can hit the US military bases in Afghanistan, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, which they will do without any hesitation if attacked. Iran’s government will strengthen Hamas, Hizbollah, Taliban and Iraqi Resistance Groups in response to US military attack.

The following is interesting article posted by Maureen Dowd, which could be a satire or maybe is the actual interview by Tim Russert of Dick.

Dick Talk to Tim Russet.

Tim Russert talked to Dick. Following is the link of that interview.

Interview of US Vice President Dick by Tim Russert.

Posted in Afghanistan, Ahmadinejad, Al Qaeda, Al Qaida, Asia, Dennis Kucinich, George W. Bush, Hamas, Hizbollah, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iran Uranium Enrichment, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Main Stream News Network, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Osama Bin Laden, Politics, Taleban, Taliban, US Politics, War on Terror | 1 Comment »

Call for Putin to remain President for the third term.

Posted by QB on October 27, 2007

Sergei Mironov, speaker of Russia’s upper house, said the issue of a third term for Mr Putin had “not been taken off the agenda” in spite of a constitutional bar on presidents serving more than two consecutive terms. Also there were rallies held in many Russian cities urging Putin to continue his Presidency for the third term in the best interest of country and the nation. There will be more similar rallies planned in other cities with more legislatures to demand what speaker of the house is saying.

The term limit in Russian constitution is included making US term limit which is very undemocratic in my own opinion. The term limit takes away the option from the people who wanted to reelect the same candidate as long as they want. The result of 2000 would be very different with Bill Clinton running for his third term.

What would Malaysia look like today if Dr. Mahathir Mohammad had to leave office after two terms? Malaysia would still be a third world country, ruled by corrupt politicians.

Russians don’t have to follow US constitutional amendment of two lime. Just change the constitution.

Posted in Bush, George W. Bush, Politics, Russia, Vladimir Putin | 1 Comment »

Europe Missile Defense System is still big issue for Putin.

Posted by QB on October 27, 2007

The Bush regime planned installing Missile Defense System is making Russian President very uncomfortable calling it security risk for Russia. Putin is comparing Bush regime planned Missile Defense System to 1960 Russia Missile System installed in Cuba. He also said that Russia has dismantle all its Missile Defense System from Vietnam and Cuba.

”Analogous actions by the Soviet Union, when it deployed missiles in Cuba, prompted the ‘Caribbean crisis,”’ Putin said at a news conference at the end of a European Union-Russian summit in Portugal, using the Russian term for the Cuban missile crisis.”Such a threat is being set up on our borders,” he said.</td

Putin was diplomatic saying that US is listening to Russia’s concern, which is not true, Bush is madman running with razer blade, don’t listen and pay attention to any advice which can end useless conflicts. The purpose of Bush criminal regime is to create new conflicts not to bring peace to this world. Hugo Chavez was right that Oil prices soon hit USD 100 barrel if Bush did not stop threatening Oil producing countries, yesterday Oil close at USD 92 barrel. Hugo Chavez also suggested a solution which is to “send Bush to mental hospital”, this sure will work.

Posted in Bush, EU/Europe, George W. Bush, Politics, Russia, Vladimir Putin | 1 Comment »

The Mixed Reaction from Iran on Sanctions.

Posted by QB on October 27, 2007

The reported reaction on latest US sanctions from Iran is showing division with new Nuclear negotiator believe that these sanctions will not hurt Iran. Iran’s new chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili on Friday brushed aside the latest US sanctions saying they would have no effect on the country’s nuclear policies, the ISNA news agency reported.

“These sanctions are nothing new. Sanctions have been imposed on us for 28 years. The new sanctions, like all those before, will have no effect on Iran�s policies,” Mr Jalili said at Tehran airport on his return from talks in Rome with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana.

“The sanctions will only isolate the US on the international stage,” he said.

The Iran reformist party is criticizing Ahmadinejad government for not dealing with the nuclear issue effectively leading to these sanctions. The reformists argue Iran should return to suspending enrichment, the policy under Mohammad Khatami, the former president, who attended the meeting. The Islamic Iran Participation Front warned of an escalating crisis with the international community, calling for a review of Tehran’s nuclear policy.

At a meeting of the party attended by 200 people, Mohsen Mirdamadi, the party’s secretary-general, said: “The government should refrain from its adventurous policies.”

This is very clear division but the Reformist party and Iran Pan Islamic party know that Amhadinejad is dealing Iran nuclear issue according to policies set by Khemeini because he has the final authority to make decision on Iran nuclear issue. The Reformists and Iran Pan Islamic party should also understand that abandoning their nuclear program will never satisfy US and its European allies, they will find new accusations against Iran pushing them to the corner until they give power to someone like Hamid Karzai Nouri Al Maliki Pervez Musharraf.

There is no statement from Ahmadinejad or Khemini on the latest sanctions but CNN reported that Iran military mocked US and Israel with parade with creating US flags and David cross. Also reported from Pentagon that US military has start developing 30 thousand pounds bunker buster bomb in preparation of Iran invasion, but the Chief of Staff also said that Iran crisis must be resolved with negotiations not military confrontation.

Posted in Afghanistan, Ahmadinejad, Bush, George W. Bush, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iran Uranium Enrichment, Iraq, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, Politics, US Politics | 7 Comments »

Bush must be send to mental hospital . Hugo Chavez.

Posted by QB on October 26, 2007

Hugo Chavez latest criticism said that it is US policies which are rising the price of Oil and Bush must be admitted into mental hospital. Hugo Chavez said Oil prices are rising because of US foreign policies with threatening oil producing countries, he predicted that Oil prices will rise to USD 100 barrel if US keep threatening oil producing countries. Hugo Chavez warned US not to invade Iran because the result will be worst than Iraq, he blamed Bush for leading world towards nuclear WWIII. He want Bush immediately admitted into mental hospital.

Hugo Chavez is the new breed of Head Of State who doesn’t care much about diplomacy. But what he said is true.

Posted in Bush, George W. Bush, Iran, Latin America, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics, Venezuela | 2 Comments »

Turkey started their attacks with air strikes on Kurdish terrorists.

Posted by QB on October 25, 2007

The Turkish military has started its military action by bombing Iraq Northern mountain regions where they are hiding. The Turkish government did not pay any attention to US State Department advices of solving the crisis with negotiations. The Bush regime really is in no position to give advice to solve the crisis with negotiations because they have different set of rules for themselves which are taking unilateral actions against countries refusing to bow down to their demands.

The Turkish military is avoiding to cross Iraq border as it will be very difficult for them to track down Kurd terrorists who are hiding in mountainous region just like Taliban to avoid their military casualties. The other reason could be that Turkey don’t wanted its military to get trapped in winter snow covered mountains. Turkey wanted to achieve their goal with these air strikes.

The Turkish Prime Minister  Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday that U.S. objections would not stop Turkey from crossing into Iraq to eliminate Kurdish rebels. The Turkish military said it had killed more than 30 insurgents who were poised to launch an attack on the border. Bush regime is urging Turkey not to cross Iraq Northern which will destabilize autonomous Kurd region. The Kurd autonomous  north has become the major problem for the sovereignty of Turkey, now Kurds believe they can create their own independent state with the help of US. The Turkish military is targeting Kurdish terrorist hide outs.

Posted in Bush, George W. Bush, Iraq, Kurdish Terrorists, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, Turkey | 3 Comments »

Bush regime drop sanctions WMD on Iran. Iran response update.

Posted by QB on October 25, 2007

The Bush regime finally dropped “Sanctions” destructive WMD unilaterally on Iran, these sanctions are the hardest since 1979. The US sanctions are the most cruel punishment for the common people of that country, sanctions only hurt the poor people not the ruler class and elite class. The US sanctions has make the lives miserable for Cubans from last 50 years, the North Koreans are suffering from these sanctions, Iraqis suffer 14 years with US imposing sanctions, without producing any positive results except hatred towards US by the people whose lives become miserable.

The US State Department was lecturing Turkey not to take any unilateral action against Kurdish terrorists is now imposing unilateral sanctions on Iran. Hypocrisy. The purpose of this sanction is to isolate Iran and destroy their economy financially which will not work because China, Russia, Pakistan and India has huge interest doing business with Iran which is needed for their growing economies.

The US Presidential candidates for 2008 are saying what their voters wanted to hear. Mitt Romney want to take military action with some bombardment to prevent Iran getting nuclear weapons. Barak Obama believe that sanctions are necessary. John Edwards is criticizing Hilary Clinton vote on declaring Iranian Revolutionary Guards as terrorists organization blaming her giving way for Bush regime to start military offensive against Iran just like he did in Iraq.

These morons are completely ignoring the facts that Iran is not doing high grade uranium enrichment which can be used in nuclear weapons. They are also ignoring the facts that Iran is in very initial stage of its nuclear program and will will take atleast decade to build nuclear weapon, if they want one, which Iranian deny, also there is no evidence from the IAEA inspections that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. These corrupt politicians again are trying to scare common American voters to get into power.

“Why worsen the situation and bring it to a dead end by threatening sanctions or military action,” Putin said in a veiled reference to the U.S. push for harsher international sanctions against Tehran.“Running around like a madman with a razor blade, waving it around, is not the best way to resolve the situation,” the Russian leader said.

Putin is showing his support for Iran and he is advising Bush to adopt diplomacy. Right approach great leadership.

Bush regime closest allies Britain applauded the US sanctions, France and Germany back these sanctions. They are stupid, this is my prediction that this new sanction will backfire, Iran will take be more determined than ever to keep its nuclear program alive. Iran economy will not collapse because of China, Russia, Pakistan and India and also the Latin American countries Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba.

“Other countries support and praise us regarding Iran’s cooperation with the agency,” Larijani said in comments carried by Iran’s ISNA news agency after his return from talks with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana in Rome.“But America’s behaviour shows that it doesn’t make any difference whether Iran cooperates with the agency or not. Well, if that is the case, you should expect something else from Iran,” he said, adding that European states had urged Iran not to respond to the “bullying behaviour of (some) countries”.

Larijani was replaced as chief nuclear negotiator on Saturday but remains on the Supreme National Security Council, which helps make policy. He attended the Rome talks in that capacity with the new chief negotiator, Saeed Jalili.

“With this behaviour, the Americans are only isolating themselves,” Jalili said of the sanctions, according to the official IRNA news agency. New U.S. sanctions could push Tehran to rethink its cooperation with the United Nations atomic watchdog, Iran’s former chief nuclear negotiator said on Friday.

Ali Larijani was speaking a day after Washington branded Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a proliferator of weapons of mass destruction and imposed new sanctions on the country, which it accuses of trying to develop atomic weapons.

Iran denies the charge and has agreed to clear up long-standing suspicions about its nuclear goals with the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency. But it has refused to halt sensitive atomic work as demanded by the U.N. Security Council.

This is what happened before the Iraq war, the lies, the UN dramatic presentation by creep Collin Powell, main stream media broadcasting Bush regime propaganda to scare Americans, main stream media is reporting lies that Ahmadinejad wants to destroy Israel by completely ignoring what he actually said. The Israel allegation was also used against Saddam Hussein that he is the main sponsor of terrorism by awarding suicide bombers money. We already watched this movie. Bring something new and intelligent.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, George W. Bush, Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics | 7 Comments »

Bush regime has learned lesson after Katrina.

Posted by QB on October 24, 2007

This is what creepy Wolf Blitzer reported in Situation Room. Bush would have responded exactly the way they are doing it for White rich neighborhood in California in New Orleans if the people were not poor African Americans. New Orleans till today is the destroyed city with no Federal government efforts to rebuild this poor African American city. Bush regime really don’t care much about African American and particularly poor people of all color.

Posted in Bush, CNN, George W. Bush, Politics, US Politics, Wolf Blitzer | Leave a Comment »

Bush – Afghanistan and Iraq War Cost.

Posted by QB on October 24, 2007

WASHINGTON — The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could total $2.4 trillion through the next decade.

This is the USA today news story. These wars could have been avoided with intelligent approach which of-course can’t be expected from Bush and Dick. This is the great news for Osama Bin Laden who wanted to destroy US financially. Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Omar, Al Qaida and Taliban will be very pleased that they are actually achieving their goal of destroying US financially. This also mean that Osama Bin Laden is more brain than Bush and Dick and he is winning the “war on terror”. The cost of payouts to Pakistan and other US allies of greed, am sure is not included in this budget projected forecast, so lets adjust the projected cost of “war on terror” by adding few hundred billion dollars and make it 3 trillion.

Posted in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, Al Qaida, Bush, George W. Bush, Iraq, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Mullah Omar, Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, Politics, US Politics, War on Terror | 1 Comment »

US – European Countries want Turkey not to attack Nothern Iraq.

Posted by QB on October 22, 2007

Really don’t have time but US State Department make to write few lines about the hypocrisy of US and its European allies. The US State Department is asking Turkey not to invade Iraq going after Kurd terrorists.

In Washington, the State Department said the United States has opened a diplomatic “full court press” to urge Turkey not to invade northern Iraq.“In our view, there are better ways to deal with this issue,” spokesman Sean McCormack said, stressing that the United States regards the the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, known by its Kurdish acronym PKK, as a terrorist organization.

There are better ways to deal with terrorism, Really, than why US and its European allies invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. The US and European politicians wants to invade Iran, the Presidential candidate Hilary Clinton even wanted to use limited nuclear weapons in Iran attack, US politicians want to invade Pakistan, Obama promised that he will send US troops into NWFP. Why don’t they try the better ways themselves to solve the issues with Iran.

F*king SOBs. This is all few minutes I can spare right now.

Posted in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, Al Qaida, Bush, George W. Bush, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Pakistan, Pope, Taleban, Taliban, US Politics, War on Terror | 2 Comments »

Pervez Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto power sharing deal?

Posted by QB on October 20, 2007

The power sharing deal which Pervez Musharraf was forced to sign with Benazir Bhutto with White House pressure is another example of Bush regime mental bankruptcy. There is no way that this deal is going to be successful in fighting Bush “war on terror”. The Bush regime panicked when they saw that Pervez Musharraf has become so unpopular that he might lose power and with carefully analyzing the correct political situation they come up with this stupid idea of power sharing deal. Pervez Musharraf reached to the brink of losing power following US policies and there is growing anti Americanism in Pakistan because of Afghanistan and Iraq invasion. The Pakistan religious parties oppose the “war on terror” which they believe is “war” against Islam, these religious parties have strong support in North West Frontier Province which border Afghanistan. The religious parties gained power of this province after very long time which was the result of growing anger against American policies.

The Bush regime also did not analyze that Benazir Bhutto has to win election to share power, which is an uphill battle because she is promising to be more tough in fighting Bush “war on terror” which is the main reason for Pervez Musharraf losing grip on power. She make another mistake before leaving for Pakistan by issuing statement creating ethnic division which will not play very well in Punjab. She said that “forgiveness for Punjabi Prime Minister and hanging to death punishment for Sindhi Prime Minster”, this was with reference to Nawaz Sharrif and her own father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who was executed. The party which win majority of Punjab seats will form the government, her statement will be used by Punjab politicians during the election campaign to unite them on ethnic basis.

The other obstacle is the Pakistan Muslim League (Q) which had supported Pervez Musharraf since he took control of the government, he get reelected President for the second term with their votes and support. He can’t abandoned this political party which is important for him to hold on to power.

The chances are that Benazir Bhutto will be sitting in opposition after the elections. There is no way Pervez Musharraf and Benazir power sharing deal work. Benazir Bhutto can’t win majority with fair and transparent elections, she can only get the thin majority with engineered election results.

Wanted to go further in details, but lost interest and get tired of researching Pakistan political parties…… maybe some other time.

Posted in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, Al Qaida, Asia, Bush, George W. Bush, Musharraf, Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, Politics, Taleban, Taliban, US Politics | 1 Comment »

Iran – Bush next target.

Posted by QB on October 19, 2007

The Bush crazy, insane, psychopathic, and brain damaged is focused on Iran nuclear weapon which does not exist at all and if Iranian decided to build Nuclear Bomb it will take ten years to build. US European allies wanted to impose tough sanctions on Iran outside UN Security Council, Ehud Olmert rushed to Russia to talk to Putin. The Bush corrupt regime used all sorts of fear tactics before the invasion of Iraq, they used sounds bites like “mushroom cloud”, “danger for Israel Security”, “helping suicide bomber in Palestine” for Saddam Hussein to achieve their goal of invading Iraq. Bush believe that Iran nuclear program will lead to WWIII which is the most stupid assumption, there were plenty of journalists in that press conference who did not tell him that Iran is no threat to world peace, it will be US European and Israel who will start the WWIII, if these governments take military action against Iran.

The best course to take on Iranian Nuclear Program to let the IAEA do their work. There is no proof of any wrong doing by IAEA on Iran Nuclear Program, its the paranoid leaders of US Germany France UK trying to make it a big issue.

There is no way US or its European allies with Israel can get away with military action on Iran Nuclear facilities without facing the fierce response from Iran, the stupid military action will lead to WWIII. The whole Middle East will be the battle ground with Iran attacking its military bases in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq and Hizbollah Syria and Hamas will join the fight by attacking Israel. Death and destruction will be the result with no clear victory for any country. The US has to nuke the whole Iran for complete victory.

This is interesting that Bush regime was blaming Iran for supplying weapons to Talibans, Afghanistan puppet government deny these charges by saying that they don’t have the proof that Iran is supplying these weapons. The Foreign Minister also said that Iran is Afghanistan’s neighbor friend who has major role in reconstruction of his country.

Changed the first line with Ric suggested words for Bush (Grumpy Lion) who will be taking time off from blogging and concentrate on his writing. Ric when finish and publish his novel will be best seller, I am sure,

Posted in Ahmadinejad, George W. Bush, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iraq, Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics | 10 Comments »

Bush – Iran Nuclear Weapon lead to WWIII.

Posted by QB on October 18, 2007

Bush suppose to talk to the reporter on domestic issue on Wednesday instead he talked about Iran Nuclear Weapons. The moron said that Iran Nuclear Weapon could “leads to WWIII”,

“I’ve told people that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing” the Iranians from gaining the means to make nuclear weapons, he said.

Who are these people? I believe are the American people, who have become paranoid by Bush regime fear mongering that they will immediately believe what he is saying because they are brain washed by government and mainstream media propaganda. The recent poll taken recently show that majority of Americans want military action against Iran without realizing the consequences of such attack. Bush statement is complete lie again, it is the US government and its European allies, who will be lead to WWIII. Putin is right advising direct talks to solve the issues with Iran. Bush again is hiding the truth by not telling the people that Iran is ten years away from developing nuclear bomb, if they are wanted to develop nuclear weapon, Iran insists that their nuclear program is for peaceful energy purposes. IAEA blasted US Intelligence report. Bush repeated the biggest propaganda lie that Ahmadinejad wanted to destroy Israel. The fact is that media has overplayed this “Wipe off the map” propaganda ignoring Ahmadinejad actual sentence which was “The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time”, the Imam in this sentence was Khomeini. CNN Fox News and the European print media spread rumors instead of actual news with biased to achieve the goals of Zionist. The majority of Americans and European believe that Ahmadinejad wanted to “Wipe Israel off the map” is excellent example of twisting the facts. Ahmadinejad called for regime change in Israel not the destruction of people and country. Putin support Iran peaceful nuclear program.

The US and its European allies stupid polices will lead to WWIII. This is what Fidel Castro said couple of days back, Fidel Castro is right that Bush policies the world to disaster. It is great to know that Fidel Castro think like me which is an honor from oldest revolutionary leader alive.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, Fidel Castro, George W. Bush, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics | 7 Comments »