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Fall of US Empire.

Posted by QB on May 13, 2011

The US has adopted the wrong path and policies after 9/11 with waging wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and now interferring in Libya internal conflict completely ignoring their financial crisis which had led the former countries colsped. The recent example is the breakup of USSR due to their military expendure ignoring the economy. The fall of Ottoman Empire was the result of their huge military expendures and expensive wars.

The US still has the time to avoid complete fall from Super Power to small independent States by chaning its policy of their favorite so called “War On Terror”. The US must withdraw all their occupation troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, stop drone attacks in NWFP Pakistan, do not interferre in Liyba or any other country.

US must fix economy by introducing fare trade policy instead of same old bull shit by Republicans who support free market. The “free market” actually is used to protect big corporations causing US manufacturing and IT jobs outsourced to China and India. Cut US military budget, se tax rate on rich. Introducte new tax for outsourcing jobs to China and India.

There is a need to change the policy on “War on Terror” by opening schools in Afghanistan and NWFP replacing madrasas because drone attacks and US occupation are creating more radicals and this has become the never ending war.

The majority of US citizens beleive all the propaganda they listen from their politicians on CNN and Fox News. They do not listen to the truth from Ron Paul and Dennis Kuccinich. The pride and arrogance will quickly vanish, if US does not change its policies, will lead to maybe 50 independent states instead of USA, just like it happened with USSR.

The US is running out of time to avoid breakup of USA.

US, Britain, France are just like Taleban who kill innocent children, women, unarmed civilians in the name of democracy and freedom.

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