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Archive for the ‘Israel’ Category

Ehud Olmert dangerous intentions to save his political career.

Posted by QB on June 6, 2008

The Deputy Prime Minister is threatening Iran will be attack if they did not stop their nuclear program. Ehud Olmert also wanted to stop nuclear program by all means possible. This would be another mistake by this corrupt politician to save his political career like his decision to attack Lebanon. The Lebanon invasion, which could have been easily avoided was complete disaster for Israel. Ehud Olmert visited White House yesterday trying to get Bush blessing on Iran attack.

There are more disadvantages than any advantages looking at the present Middle East situation. Israel is engaged in peace talks with Syria with Turkey assistance will be stopped, Hezbollah start firing missiles across Israeli border, Syria will support Iran, Iraq situation will become more violent, Al Qaeda will get fresh reason to create hatred against Israel and USA.

Ehud Olmert is not in a position to comment any other mistake. He might survive the corruption charges but it will be impossible to hold on to power after another fail war.

Source : Israeli minister threatens Iran BBC News

Posted in Bush, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics | Leave a Comment »

Israel and Syria will hold peace talks.

Posted by QB on May 21, 2008

This is good news, positive development. This is the only way to achieve peace and stability in the region, confrontation did not work for Israel neither worked for Syria. These peace talks if lead to Golan Heights solution will be great achievement.

Yahoo News.

Posted in Israel, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, Syria | Leave a Comment »

War with Iran.

Posted by QB on May 2, 2008

The following is from Farhang Adib, he asked questions related to article published in Antiwar website. Farhang Adib, I raised the same questions in different posts. The answer is that Americans support Israel beyond reason and intelligence. Jack Cafferty last night strongly supported Hillary Clinton threatening Iran US retaliation if they attack Israel . Iran leaders are on the record that they don’t have any plans to attack any country in the region and their nuclear program is for peaceful purpose which nobody pays attention.

I, as an Iranian from a country that according to the US regime is the greatest supporter of terrorism in the world, have some questions from American people.

My questions are completed with an Article recently published in Anti War site by

Justin Raimondo. The Article link is http://antiwar.com/justin.

Who ever reading the Article, should put away the present massive propaganda against our region for a while, tries to approach the matter in a reasonable way and come to a clear conclusion.

My questions are as follows:

1- Who is really behind the US politicians decision?

2- Who is feeding false information to the media?

3- Who is trying to create war in Middle East?

4- Who has Atomic bombs?

5- What country is threatening others to an atomic bomb attack?

6- What Country has so far used atomic bombs against other nations?

7- What will happen if another war starts by Bush regime and pass the consequences to the next US president?

8- Why UN Security Council keeps silence against all those Israeli crimes in the region?

9- Why IAEA and UN Security Council do not take effective action against Israel illegal nuclear activities? Because they are trustable good guys?

Because Israel shall never use his nuclear potential against others?!

10- Why Israel has such a great influence on the US decision makers?

11- Do other nations have right to choose their own way, or they should follow the “based on force” American democracy?

For example Hemas is the legal government selected through an election by Palestinians. Why should they be considered as terrorists? How many people are dying over there? While defending themselves against Israel, should they be called Bad Guys “?

12- What is the fortune of this continuous unlimited and unmoral US supports

to Israel? Who will pay for the consequences?

13- Who is the main cause of the global terrorism ?

Is War With Iran Imminent?
This time, it’s more than a rumor…

by Justin Raimondo

Editor’s note: Justin Raimondo’s column will return Friday.

The shooting has already started in the Persian Gulf – and chances are we’ll be at war with Iran before President Bush’s term is up.. An American ship under contract with the U.S. Navy – the Western Venture – claims it was in international waters when Iranian speedboats approached and failed to answer radio calls. Shots were fired on the American side. Iran denies the whole thing. Yet you’ll recall that in the last incident, involving the capture of British sailors, the story about being in international waters was the same – except, it turns out, they weren’t in international waters, but in disputed waters, just as we speculated in this space. There’s no reason to expect anything different this time. Clearly, the U.S. and Britain are trying to trigger a new conflict with the most brazen provocations, and they don’t really care how it happens – only that it does.

The indications of an imminent attack – the latest incident, the steady stream of accusations coming from the U.S. regarding Iranian influence in Iraq, the nuclear charade, etc. – have suddenly taken a more ominous turn with the recent statement of America’s top military officer that the U.S. is weighing military action against Iran. The Washington Post reports:

“The nation’s top military officer said yesterday that the Pentagon is planning for ‘potential military courses of action’ as one of several options against Iran, criticizing what he called the Tehran government’s ‘increasingly lethal and malign influence’ in Iraq. Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said a conflict with Iran would be ‘extremely stressing’ but not impossible for U.S. forces, pointing to reserve capabilities in the Navy and Air Force.”

Speaking of malign influences: since when does an American military officer make foreign policy pronouncements, as if he were the president? It’s an indication of the advances militarism has made in what used to be a republic that no one has so much as blinked at the brazenness of such blatant Caesarism.

The reasons for the uptick in the rhetorical and physical assault on Iran by the Americans are entirely due to domestic politics, not anything occurring on the ground in the region.

Hillary Clinton’s demagogic threat to “obliterate” Iran, uttered on national television just before the Pennsylvania primary, was meant to buttress her newfound image as a shot-swilling macho up against the effete, Adlai Stevenson-esque Barack “Arugula” Obama. It’s the Old Politics, trying to revive the red state-blue state dichotomy, and it’s driving us down the road to war with Tehran. McCain, too, is helped by the ratcheting up of tensions in the Persian Gulf: think what the outbreak of war with Iran would do for his underdog candidacy.

Standing behind this developing pro-war Popular Front, the central factor in turning the U.S. toward a policy of confrontation rather than constructive engagement with Iran has been the Israel lobby. Since 1993, the Lobby has been demanding that the U.S. take a more aggressive approach to the mullahs of Tehran, and, with few exceptions, has been largely successful.

The policy of “dual containment,” conceived by the Clinton administration during the early 1990s, meant that the U.S. was committed to hostile relations with both Iraq and Iran. The policy, as John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt point out, “was essentially a copy of an Israeli proposal.” It meant stationing troops in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to offset an alleged threat to American interests. Yet there was no reason to assume Tehran had hostile intentions toward the U.S. At the time, Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was eager to establish friendly relations with the U.S. As pressure built to abandon “dual containment” and initiate a more workable policy that would give the U.S. more flexibility, the Lobby went on the offensive with a relentless campaign to impose economic sanctions on Iran.

The Iranians, determined to signal their willingness to be reasonable, chose an American oil company, Conoco, to develop the Sirri oil fields. As Trita Parsi points out in Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States:

“For AIPAC, the Conoco deal ‘was a coincidence and a convenient target.’ The organization went into high gear to use the Iranian offer not only to scuttle the Conoco deal, but also to put an end to all U.S.-Iran trade. In a report that it released on April 2, 1995, titled ‘Comprehensive U.S. Sanctions Against Iran: A Plan for Action,’ AIPAC argued that Iran must be punished for its actions against Israel. ‘Iran’s leaders reject the existence of Israel.. Moreover, Iran views the peace process as an American attempt to legalize Israel’s occupation of Palestinian, Muslim lands,’ it said. Pressured by Congress, AIPAC, and the Israelis, President Clinton swiftly scrapped the deal by issuing two executive orders that effectively prohibited all trade with Iran. The decision was announced on April 30 by Clinton in a speech before the World Jewish Congress.”

This wasn’t enough for the Lobby, which brought pressure on Sen. Alphonse D’Amato to introduce a bill that imposed sanctions on any countries doing business with either Libya or Iran. The Iran-Libya Sanctions Act passed the House with not a single dissenting vote, and the same scenario went down in the Senate. The Lobby made sure the Iranian peace offering was rudely rebuffed – and the president reminded of just who was in charge of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. The White House meekly went along with the Lobby’s wishes: after all, the presidential election was but three months away.

The Conoco affair should dispel any myths about the supposedly supreme power of the “oil lobby” as the decisive factor in shaping U.S. policy in the region: the Israel lobby beat them hands down. As James Schlesinger put it, “It is scarcely possible to overstate the influence of Israel’s supporters on our politics in the Middle East.” The harder the Iranians tried to approach the Americans, the more rudely they were repulsed.

The election of the even more pro-American Mohammad Khatami as Iran’s president in 1997 did not break the back of “dual containment” – dubbed “a nutty idea” by Brent Scowcroft, albeit one with plenty of domestic political traction. The U.S. had every reason to pursue a policy of engagement, while that was possible, giving Iranian moderates the political breathing space they needed to ensure the growth of pro-American forces in the country. The benefits of opening up Iran to American investment are similarly obvious, yet our leaders chose to do otherwise due solely to the power of the Lobby. As Ephraim Sneh, a prominent figure on the Israeli Right, acknowledged: “We were against it … because the interest of the U.S. did not coincide with ours.”

In short: Washington policymakers weighed the interests of both the U.S. and Israel, and made their decision accordingly…

From dual containment to regional transformation and “regime change” was not a long road to travel. After 9/11, Washington embarked on a campaign to topple the governments of both Iraq and Iran, as well as Syria, and rid Lebanon of Hezbollah while they were at it. As soon as “mission accomplished” was declared in Iraq, the Israelis and their American amen corner began demanding action against Iran.

In an interview with the Times of London, Ariel Sharon declared that Washington had better start threatening to march on Tehran “the day after” Baghdad was secured. By late April 2003, the Israeli ambassador to Washington was complaining that the demise of Saddam’s regime was “not enough.” Those indolent Americans must be made to “follow through” by taking action against “great threats of that magnitude coming from Syria, coming from Iran.”

Shimon Peres rallied the faithful with an op-ed in the War Street Journal titled “We Must Unite to Prevent an Ayatollah Nuke.” The neoconservatives convened a special all-day conference devoted to inciting war hysteria aimed at Tehran, with all the usual suspects – Michael Ledeen, Bernard Lewis, Reuel Marc Gerecht – in attendance. The cry went up: “Regime change!” The only question was which exile faction we were going to support: the royalists, or the cult-like neo-Marxist Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) and its numerous well-connected front groups in the U.S. and Europe.

The leaders of the latter have energetically vied for the role of the Iranian Chalabi, coming up with reams of “intelligence” detailing Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program. Their “revelations,” however, have been definitively debunked by the latest national intelligence estimate, which says Tehran abandoned its nuclear program some time ago. All those diagrams and documents coming from MEK by the truckload were evidence of a nuclear program that no longer existed.

If any of this sounds familiar, then it should.

The efforts of the Lobby aren’t limited to war propaganda. The AIPAC spy trial – in which two top officials of the powerful pro-Israel lobbying organization have been indicted for passing top-secret classified information to Israeli embassy officials – is all about Israel’s attempt to penetrate U.S. governmental discussions about what stance to take regarding Iran, with the goal of exerting maximum influence on American policymaking circles.

Israel considers a nuclear-armed Iran an “existential threat” to the Jewish state, a contention that amounts to little more than absolute nonsense. Their argument goes something like this: Iran is not a normal state, it is run by ideologues who are profoundly invested in apocalyptic religious visions that can only end in war. Deterrence means nothing to them. They want to be incinerated in a nuclear exchange involving Israel, themselves, and quite possibly the U.S., because it fulfills the ancient prophecies and means the return of the Mahdi, or something along those lines.

This makes no more sense than the inverse version of the religion-determines-all theory, which would have the “born again” George W. Bush intent on provoking a nuclear war in the Middle East in order to bring about the Second Coming and the Kingdom of God on Earth – as the Christian dispensationalists who make up so much of the GOP’s base fervently believe is entirely possible and certainly desirable.

These latter, of course, are the foot-soldiers of the Israel Lobby in America, a group that GOP presidential candidate John McCain has actively courted in the person of the Rev. John Hagee. Rev. Hagee is a vicious Catholic-hater and all-around nut-job who looks forward to a nuclear war in the Middle East as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Hagee has lately taken up with AIPAC, appearing at their last national confab in a starring role.

This administration, which has been in thrall to the Israel lobby more than any other, has been increasing the volume in its war of words with Tehran since January of this year, and, as Bush’s reign comes to an inglorious end, there apparently remains one last act of perfidy the neocons will leave as their legacy. Bush’s going away gift to the American people looks more than likely to be another war – one that truly does make the Iraq war seem like a “cakewalk” in comparison. It took a few years for the impact of the war in Iraq to be felt by the American people, and its full impact has yet to hit. Not so with the next war. The firing of a few shots at those speedboats sent the price of oil up three bucks. Think of what a full-scale all-out war would do to the price of nearly everything. And for what?

Iran, a signatory to the Nonproliferation Treaty, says it is not seeking to build nuclear weapons, and that the production of nuclear energy for peaceful uses is the one and only goal of its activities on this front. This is more than Israel can say, far more. Everyone knows the Israelis have nukes – the technology for which they probably stole from us – and they are one of the few civilized countries who haven’t signed the NPT and refuse to even discuss doing so.

If ever there was a nuclear rogue nation, then surely it is Israel. As Henry Kissinger said of them in a 1969 memo to Richard Nixon: “The Israelis, who are one of the few peoples whose survival is genuinely threatened, are probably more likely than almost any other country to actually use their nuclear weapons.” Although the Iranians claim their nuclear program is geared exclusively toward peaceful purposes, that they have the option to act otherwise, should the need arise, is a challenge to Israel’s nuclear hegemony. The Iranians, by American and Israeli lights, have no right to a deterrent.

In a world where “benevolent global hegemony” is the goal of U.S. foreign policy, there is no right to self-defense; that, along with national sovereignty, has been abolished. Defiance is met with an implacable campaign for regime-change in the offending nation. By all indications, Iran is the next victim to be made an example of, sometime in mid-summer, or so the rumor goes.

We know where the presidential candidates stand on this issue. Hillary looks forward to the “obliteration” of Iran and takes up Charles Krauthammer’s demand that we extend our nuclear shield over Tel Aviv just as we would do the same for, say, Toledo. Indeed, there are not a few who would argue that we would be fully justified in sacrificing the latter in order to save the former, and not all of them are to be found among Rev. Hagee’s deluded flock. In any case, we know what the McCain-Hagee position is without even having to ask.

We also know where Obama stands on all or most of this: he advocates a policy of engagement with the Iranians, just as he has endorsed talking with South American caudillo Hugo Chavez, and for the same very sound reasons: because it’s talk or fight. He clearly realizes waging perpetual war is hardly in our interests, even if we had the financial and military capacity to carry out such a crazed policy. Yet, if he’s speaking out about this, at this crucial moment – when the chairman of the Joint Chiefs is practically declaring war on the Iranians – then I just can’t hear him: he must not be speaking very loudly, or perhaps this gets lost amid all the soaring rhetoric about Change and Hope and A Better Tomorrow.

Hillary voted for the Kyl-Lieberman resolution, which designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guards – an official part of the Iranian armed forces – as a “terrorist organization,” and now Gen. Petraeus is telling us Tehran is funding, arming, and succoring those who are killing American soldiers and bombing the Green Zone. The main threat against us in Iraq is no longer the Sunni “dead-enders,” as Don Rumsfeld liked to call them, it’s the Mahdi Army – Iraqi Shi’ites – and the Iranians, who have very close ties to the government our troops are dying to defend. If Bush seeks to obliterate Iranian hopes for regional preeminence by launching an attack before he leaves office, one can hardly see how the Clintons could possibly object: perhaps they’ll declare that, this time, we have to send enough troops to “do the job.” This, you’ll recall, was Hillary’s McCain-like critique of the Iraq invasion long before being antiwar was required of all Democratic presidential aspirants. No doubt she’ll revert to that when the time comes, but what about Obama?

He could skewer Hillary the hawk with one well-placed arrow, aimed straight at her vulnerability on the Iran issue. With the first shots of a new war already fired, apparently, and rumors of an imminent American strike at Iran flying thick and fast, Obama could denounce her as a warmonger, a McCain in drag, whose short-term political opportunism is helping to embroil us in a quagmire far worse than the one in Iraq, where she played a similar role in 2003. Yet I hear nothing like this coming from Obama’s camp. Maureen Dowd nails it, with her typically acerbic take:

“Despite all his incandescent gifts, Obama has missed several opportunities to smash the ball over the net and end the game. Again and again, he has seemed stuck at deuce. He complains about the politics of scoring points, but to win, you’ve got to score points.”

The American people oppose war with Iran, perhaps more than they want out of Iraq: the economic consequences alone will infuriate them far more than any other foreign policy decision of this administration. What the War Party is hoping is that their fury will be directed overseas, at our alleged “enemies” in Tehran, and not at home, in the direction of Washington, where proper blame belongs.

Americans await the advent of a real leader, the sort who could and would focus that anger on the right target. Whether Obama has the gumption – and the strategic sense – to make this fight about policy, not personalities, race, and gender, remains to be seen. He’s promised us a new politics, but that doesn’t have to mean blandness and an inability to fight. It can and must mean sharp attacks on wrong ideas – and one looks in vain for an idea as wrongheaded as war with Iran.

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East War, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics | 26 Comments »

Jimmy Carter meeting Hamas.

Posted by QB on April 22, 2008

Jimmy Cater is criticized harshly by Democrats and Republicans for meeting with Hamas leaders to get understanding of their point of view. Bush regime and Israel government did not like Carter meeting with Hamas who consider them as terrorist group.Carter, the most honest person, is right that there will be no peace if Hamas and Syria is left out of peace talks. Carter also told in news conference that Hamas will accept the right to exist if they pull back to 1967 positions.

The peace is possible with open minded open hearted people like Carter to bring the Israel and Palestinian on the negotiation table.

Posted in Bush, Hamas, Israel, JImmy Carter, Middle East, Middle East War, Palestine, Politics | Leave a Comment »

Israel – Palestine Peace Conference.

Posted by QB on November 27, 2007

The US is hosting Israel Palestine peace conference in Annapolis which is step in the right direction and it is very encouraging that Saudi Arabia first time agree to sit down with Israel in any peace conference. This is the one positive step taken by Bush regime in seven years. The peace is possible with serious discussions.

Ahmadinejad is holding his own peace conference in Iran with Hamas, don’t have much details.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Palestine, Politics, US Politics | Leave a Comment »

Iran Nuclear Program and Israel’s False Allegations against ElBaradei.

Posted by QB on November 6, 2007

The Israel Foreign Minister attacking IAEA ElBaradei is an indication that they want US to attack Iran. The allegations made by Israel Foreign Minister are not based on any hard evidence so they are lies. The purpose of these allegations is summarized as follows:

  • Creating fear amoung ignorant Americans.
  • Providing propaganda material for CNN and other mainstream media.
  • Get more support of Evanglicals who can put pressure on US government to take Military action against Iran.
  • Israel strong lobby to start their campaign to convince legislator Military action against Iran.
  • Bush regime is already inclined to attack Iran now have the new propaganda material to brainwash Americans.

The US and Israel government are the main reason for present violent situation in Middle East, any futher escalation of conflict will hurt US as well as Israel beyond their expectations and imaginations. Bush regime consists of schizophrenic maniacs who believe that Iran nuclear weapons will be threat for the world. Bush regime also believe that Pakistan nuclear weapons are real threat for US fearing that will fall into the hands of terrorists. These fears are refelect their schizophrenic approach rather than based on facts. Iran is cooperating with IAEA and it was reported by FARS Iranian news agency that their last meeting was successful, IAEA was satisfied with the meeting find no evidence of Iran’s hidden nuclear program, on the other hand Pakistan nuclear weapons are very well protected by strong Military has no chances of falling into the hands of terrorists. We the people of the world fear US and Israel stockpile of nuclear weapons which can blowup the whole world and these weapons are in the hands of mentally disabled Presidents of these countries.

Foreign Ministry Director-General Aharon Abramovich on Monday accused the International Atomic Energy Agency of thwarting the international efforts against Iran’s nuclear program.“Instead of contributing to the international efforts against Iran, the IAEA is acting as an obstructive element, whose opinions serve as an excuse for countries to refrain from joining the efforts against Tehran,” Abramovich said during a discussion of the Iranian issue at the Saban Forum.Israeli sources explained that ElBaradei was using caution in his criticism of Iran, after being the one who had warned against the war in Iraq, claiming that it did not possess weapons of mass destruction.“Now he is using the Iranian issue as an outlet for his anger,” a senior source at the Foreign Ministry said.Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem clarified that Abramovich’s remarks were the result of ElBaradei’s actions, which prevent the world from forming a united international front against Iran.According to the sources, the process of presenting questions to Tehran by the IAEA is taking too long and is creating a sense of activity, but is actually a process of “foot-dragging” which enables the Iranians to move forward. Diplomatic sources added that ElBaradei himself had a tendency of “wrapping the agency inspectors’ professional report with an introduction and summary remarks which create a political ‘spin’.”

The sources presented as an example one of the IAEA’s recent reports, submitted in February, in which the inspectors ruled that Iran did not provide information on its centrifuges and failed to explain where it got them from. Source: Y Net.

Robert Gates is in China begging to support more UN sanctions on Iran without getting any commitment from Chinese government.

Here comes fear mongering from Republican Presidential morons, the same old threat of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of radical Islamist groups, should President Pervez Musharraf’s government eventually fall. The world will be more at risk if any of the Presidential candidate win 2008 elections, there is no possibility of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons falling in the hands of terrorists. Pakistan voters are just like American voters, IGNORANT, that they will vote for corrupt Benazir Bhutto, corrupt Nawaz Sharif in two provinces Sindh and Punjab, whoever win the majority of National Assembly seats in Punjab will form the federal government. The other two provinces North West Frontier Province and Baluchistan where the religious parties win the majority of Provincial Assembly seats. This means the Pakistan four provinces will be divided equally between moderates and religious parties with the chance of moderate to have control of federal government. The religious parties popularity in two provinces are due to rising anti Americanism among the population, where Osama Bin Laden Mullah Omar are way too popular than Musharraf Bush Benazir and I blame this on Bush stupidity.

The Zionist propaganda and lies will again drag US into another bloody war with Iran. IAEA does not have any information about Iran nuclear weapons program which is based on their inspection and intelligence but the Zionists keep spreading lies and propaganda against Iran.

Iran could procure nuclear weapons by 2009, a top Israeli intelligence analyst said.Brig. Gen. Yossi Baidatz, chief analyst for Israel’s military intelligence, told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday that if Iran’s nuclear program goes unchecked, it could produce warheads by the end of 2009 or the beginning of 2010.

Western powers believe Iran is two or three years further away from nuclear bomb-making capability.

Baidatz also said that the hard-line regime of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad looks strong despite its unpopularity at home and foreign pressure to abandon its atomic ambitions.

Posted in Asia, Bush, Evangelicals, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iran Uranium Enrichment, Israel, Jews, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Pakistan, Politics | 8 Comments »

Bush determined to invade Iran.

Posted by QB on November 1, 2007

The Bush regime is busy building up case to invade Iran from the very beginning of Iraq invasion and occupation. The Bush regime declared victory in Afghanistan and Iraq when Taliban left Kabul and Saddam Hussein went into hiding too soon expecting smooth occupation of these two countries. The Americans did not understand my point of view when I said that this is not victory, this is actually the beginning of very long bloody battle ahead in Afghanistan and Iraq. The resistance in Afghanistan and Iraq took few months in getting organized and stated their attacks on occupation military. These resistance groups were called “terrorists”, “people who hate freedom and democracy”, “dead enders”, “Saddam Hussein loyalists” by Bush and Dick instead of accepting the truth that they are the groups who are resisting the illegal criminal occupation of their countries. The vast majority of politicians Republicans as well as Democrats believe what Bush regime was saying as they don’t have the courage wisdom and intelligence to tell the truth, all because Afghanistan, Iraq wars had the over 70% support of American people. When resistance keep getting strong Bush regime started blaming Pakistan supporting Taliban and Iran get the blame for all Iraq violence. The Bush regime never admitted that it was their stupid plan which put US into such a big mess, it was Rumsfeld, Wofowitz stupid assumption that US troops will be greeted as liberators with flowers by Iraqis and the war will only cost 50 billion dollars, the Iraq occupation will be financed with Iraq Oil export.

That is now all history, the present day situation towards Iran is very similar to pre Iraq invasion, lies are broadcast by CNN and all mainstream news networks, Iran nuclear issue is over blown ignoring the facts, US military and Bush regime blaming Iran for Iran creating violence in Iraq, and the biggest propaganda lie spread by CNN and all mainstream media that Iran is threat for Israel, Ahmadinejad statement is completely taken out of context where he called the elimination of current government to elimination of Israel.

The Bush regime insists to have all option open including military attack which is supported strongly by all front runners Presidential candidates of both parties Democrats and Republicans. The US legislators are so stupid that they pass non binding resolution declaring Iran Revolutionary Guards as foreign terrorist organization with huge majority of 77 votes in Senate and they don’t have 60 votes to override Bush veto of Children Health Care bill, stem cell research bill, which are more important issues than passing non binding resolutions.

The other important figure in US politics is Osama Bin Laden and 9/11, which is very big issue with the conservative Republicans. All the Republicans are running on platform to fight Osama Bin Laden “terrorists” by keeping Iraq Afghanistan under permanent occupation, and than there are Democrats who are trying to prove to Americans that they are more tough on Osama Bin Laden “terrorists” with promising to use limited nuclear weapons in Iran, US troops incursion into Pakistan North Frontier Province.

There is one Iranian who very correctly pointed out that 52% Americans support attack to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, he was right, I had the old polls.

Amid the political parrying, a Zogby poll released this week showed a slim majority of the American public would support an attack to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon. Some 52 percent said they were either somewhat or very supportive, while close to 42% said they were not very or not at all supportive. The poll of 1,028 likely voters has a 3 percentage points margin of error.

The Head of Iran Revolutionary Guard Corp Mohammad Ali Jafari warned US against invading Iran, promising to strike back with crushing response. He also predicted that Iran will be worst quagmire for US than Iraq and Afghanistan.

The front runner Presidential candidates Hilary Clinton, Barak Obama, John Edwards, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain are promising to attack Iran to stop them from building nuclear weapon, which according to them will make the world one happy peaceful family. The Iran if attacked will respond aggressively to defend their country and honor, they will be happy to die for what they believe is their right to develop peaceful nuclear program for energy purposes. The war will not be restricted to Iran and US, if attacked, it will cover the whole region, Iranians will hit the US military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE which is US Naval base, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia.

The war will weaken US allies Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain governments, which will benefit the opposition groups to gain control by revolution, if there are any such groups exists in these countries.

Posted in Afghanistan, Ahmadinejad, Al Qaida, Asia, Barak Obama, Bush, Dennis Kucinich, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iran Uranium Enrichment, Iraq, Israel, John Edwards, John McCain, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Mitt Romney, Musharraf, Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, Politics, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, Taliban, US Politics | 6 Comments »

Presidential Race 2008. Democrats and Republicans front runners are all corrupt politicians.

Posted by QB on October 30, 2007

The front runners of both US parties Democrats and Republicans are corrupt politicians who are not very different than Bush. They are expert in spinning the issues, they are liars, they are deceptive, their leadership skills are mainstream print and electronic media gimmick. The mainstream print media and electronic media give exposure to front runners of both parties and the benefit of doing is that they will be the ones getting the campaign advertisements of these candidates during the primaries worth tens of millions of dollars. The US politics is a big business, the projected money spend for next election is 4 billion dollars.

Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Hilary Clinton, Barak Obama, John Edwards are all liars using misinformation to get the votes. Bush and Dick want to bomb Iran so do all these front runner Presidential candidates, with the common stupid assumption that Iran will the the threat for US and Israel security. These front runners, if honestly believe this, than they are the most stupid people on earth, who have no intelligence to analyze the Iran nuclear issue. The fact. which is ignored by these moron front runner politicians, is that Iran if develop few nuclear bombs will not be threat to Israel, because they have stockpile of nuclear, biological chemical weapons, with bunker busting cluster bombs which can blow up whole Middle East in minutes. The other fact, which these front runner ignore that Iran does not have that long range missiles which can reach US. The Iran, insists that their nuclear program is for peaceful energy purpose so let them do what they are doing under UN inspections. IAEA does not have any proof that Iranians has any hidden or secret nuclear program. IAEA also reported that uranium enrichment is low grade which can’t be used to develop nuclear weapons. The truth is that Iran is not threat for Israel or US, it is Israel and US who are threat to world peace.

The American voters don’t know the power of their votes, they go and cast their vote for the biggest liar and hypocrite without actually knowing the facts about the issues. The Americans if wanted to continue this “war on terror” in Afghanistan fighting Taliban for another twenty years, keep Iraq under US occupation, want to invade Iran, send US troops into Pakistan NWFP region than go ahead vote for Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, John Edwards because they all have the similar policies of Bush regime aggression which will not bring peace and stability on earth.

The American voters if wanted to change the direction of country than they must vote for Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul both candidates are honest truth speaking intelligent politicians who will bring peace and stability to the world. Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are saying what is right not like the front runners who are saying what ignorant voters wanted to hear. The real democratic revolution recently is seen in Bolivia, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela with voters rejecting the corrupt mainstream politicians, Americans must learn lesson from these countries voters.

Posted in Afghanistan, Ahmadinejad, Al Qaeda, Al Qaida, Barak Obama, Bush, Dennis Kucinich, Hilary Clinton, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iran Uranium Enrichment, Iraq, Israel, John Edwards, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Politics, Presidential Race 2008, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, Taleban, Taliban, US Politics | 2 Comments »

US Military Attack Action Against Iran.

Posted by QB on October 28, 2007

The drumbeat by Bush regime is getting louder and louder saying the same lies which we heard before the invasion on Iraq. CNN and the mainstream media is busy creating false fears of Iran nuclear program which is in very initial stages is no threat at all for US Europe or Israel. The mainstream media criminally ignoring the facts that Iran uranium enrichment program has produced low grade uranium which can’t be used in nuclear weapons. The mainstream media never reported that Israel has stockpile of nuclear weapons which can blow up the whole Middle East, if Iran has couple of nuclear bombs that does not make them threat for US Israel and European countries. The Iranians are intelligent enough not to use the nuclear weapons because they don’t wanted to get destroyed by Israel carpet nuclear bombing.

The US military did not have a clear victory in Afghanistan and Iraq fighting with Resistance Groups who has outdated weapons and homemade explosive devices and Iran Military is well equipped well organized with the capability to cause the damage beyond American imagination. Iran’s has rockets which can hit the US military bases in Afghanistan, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, which they will do without any hesitation if attacked. Iran’s government will strengthen Hamas, Hizbollah, Taliban and Iraqi Resistance Groups in response to US military attack.

The following is interesting article posted by Maureen Dowd, which could be a satire or maybe is the actual interview by Tim Russert of Dick.

Dick Talk to Tim Russet.

Tim Russert talked to Dick. Following is the link of that interview.

Interview of US Vice President Dick by Tim Russert.

Posted in Afghanistan, Ahmadinejad, Al Qaeda, Al Qaida, Asia, Dennis Kucinich, George W. Bush, Hamas, Hizbollah, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iran Uranium Enrichment, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Main Stream News Network, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Osama Bin Laden, Politics, Taleban, Taliban, US Politics, War on Terror | 1 Comment »

Iran – Bush next target.

Posted by QB on October 19, 2007

The Bush crazy, insane, psychopathic, and brain damaged is focused on Iran nuclear weapon which does not exist at all and if Iranian decided to build Nuclear Bomb it will take ten years to build. US European allies wanted to impose tough sanctions on Iran outside UN Security Council, Ehud Olmert rushed to Russia to talk to Putin. The Bush corrupt regime used all sorts of fear tactics before the invasion of Iraq, they used sounds bites like “mushroom cloud”, “danger for Israel Security”, “helping suicide bomber in Palestine” for Saddam Hussein to achieve their goal of invading Iraq. Bush believe that Iran nuclear program will lead to WWIII which is the most stupid assumption, there were plenty of journalists in that press conference who did not tell him that Iran is no threat to world peace, it will be US European and Israel who will start the WWIII, if these governments take military action against Iran.

The best course to take on Iranian Nuclear Program to let the IAEA do their work. There is no proof of any wrong doing by IAEA on Iran Nuclear Program, its the paranoid leaders of US Germany France UK trying to make it a big issue.

There is no way US or its European allies with Israel can get away with military action on Iran Nuclear facilities without facing the fierce response from Iran, the stupid military action will lead to WWIII. The whole Middle East will be the battle ground with Iran attacking its military bases in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq and Hizbollah Syria and Hamas will join the fight by attacking Israel. Death and destruction will be the result with no clear victory for any country. The US has to nuke the whole Iran for complete victory.

This is interesting that Bush regime was blaming Iran for supplying weapons to Talibans, Afghanistan puppet government deny these charges by saying that they don’t have the proof that Iran is supplying these weapons. The Foreign Minister also said that Iran is Afghanistan’s neighbor friend who has major role in reconstruction of his country.

Changed the first line with Ric suggested words for Bush (Grumpy Lion) who will be taking time off from blogging and concentrate on his writing. Ric when finish and publish his novel will be best seller, I am sure,

Posted in Ahmadinejad, George W. Bush, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Iraq, Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics | 10 Comments »

Putin – Iran assassination plot a bid to ‘wreck’ visit.

Posted by QB on October 18, 2007

Vladimir Putin on his assassination plot in Iran were to “wreck” his landmark visit to Iran. The chances are that CIA and Mossad release this news to stop Putin trip to Iran, or maybe it was Bush and Ehud Olmert the main minds behind this “suicide killing” news. Putin is intelligent enough not to cancel his visit to Iran.

“It was nothing other than an attempt to wreck the visit,” Putin said Thursday during a televised question-and-answer session, referring to a report ahead of his visit to Tehran on Tuesday that suicide bombers were planning to assassinate him there.“It’s harmful for international relations because direct dialogue with states where there are problems are always more productive and a quicker path to success than the path of threats, sanctions or even force,” Putin said.Putin’s comment echoed the reaction of Iran’s foreign ministry, which dismissed the report of the plot as an attempt by “enemies” to break up relations between Russia and Iran.“The reports in some media are completely without foundation and part of a psychological war waged by enemies to disrupt relations between Iran and Russia,” foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told AFP.

Bush must learn diplomacy from Putin. The majority of Democrats and Republicans also need to learn the foreign relations and diplomacy, all they have to do is borrow some common sense as none of them have his ability. The Presidential candidates have no common sense, common sense is missing in the Congress, Bush cabinet doesn’t have any common sense. All they how to talk tough threatening the whole world. USA has become the menace of the world. This is because the majority of Americans elect the corrupt charismatic lairs for the highest level of their government.

Putin bluntly commented that US wanted to seized the Iraqi Oil.

President Vladimir Putin, in his latest jab at Washington, suggested Thursday that the U.S. military campaign in Iraq was a “pointless” battle against the Iraqi people, aimed in part at seizing the country’s oil reserves.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, George W. Bush, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, Russia, US Politics, Vladimir Putin | 6 Comments »

Codoleezza Rice Ehud Olmert Mahmoud Abbas on right path.

Posted by QB on October 15, 2007

The Bush regime finally is doing something which is positive will bring peace in Middle East and in the world. I dislike Condoleezza Rice as much as Bush and his whole cabinet but today she issued statement which is very positive, if she actually mean to implement her words into actions.

“Frankly, it’s time for the establishment of a Palestinian state,” Rice said in Ramallah, standing next to Abbas.
“I wanted to say in my own voice to be able to say to as many people as possible that the United States sees the establishment of a Palestinian state and a two-state solution as absolutely essential for the future, not just of Palestinians and Israelis but also for the Middle East and indeed to American interests,” she said. “That’s really a message that I think only I can deliver.”

This is the right approach bringing peace and this will also destroy Al Qaida. Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas statements are also very positive which are admirable, as they are first time talking sense by sharing Jerusalam, which ofcourse was off the limit due to religious fanatical in the past.

Concerning Jerusalem, for example, he said it would be enough to declare that west Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel and east Jerusalem the capital of Palestine. The line of division would then be determined in negotiations.Olmert hinted Monday that he is ready to share control of the holy city, saying that Israel could do without controlling some of Jerusalem’s outlying Arab neighborhoods.

This is the first positive step taken by Bush regime which must be welcome by the moderate Arab neighboring countries to make this peace conference starting point to bring peace in the world. Ayatollah Khemini wants Arab countries to boycott this peace conference which is really a very bad suggestion. The Jews and Arabs can live together side by side in peace as they were living for thousands of years before the creation of Israel. It is now that the State of Israel is created, the only solution is the creation of Palestinian State respecting each other religious beliefs and accept the reality. The confrontation will not the solution. The Arab rulers am sure will participate in this peace conference.

Posted in Bush, George W. Bush, Israel, Jews, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Palestine, US Politics | 7 Comments »

Pope Benedict XVI open his mouth again!

Posted by QB on October 9, 2007

Pope Benedict XVI open his mouth again to lecture Iran on anti-Semitism. He is the same guy who has, with his stupid statements, created hatred between Christians and Muslims.

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI today targeted Iran as he vowed to help fight anti-Semitism, a top official of the World Jewish Congress said following an audience with the pontiff.“We thanked the Holy Father for everything he did for the Jewish people, and more importantly what he will do,” WJC vice secretary general Maram Stern told AFP.The pope “recognised the question of Iran as an issue of big concern for him,” Stern said, adding that Benedict pledged “to find how the message can be made, through education, to avoid the hatred of the Iranian leadership towards the Jews and Israel.“He expressed his concern over the rise in anti-Semitism. The Holy Father said he was very aware of it (and wants to) find a way to make it less prominent through education,” Stern said.The pontiff said “co-operation between the Jewish people and the Church is a matter that is close to his heart,” Stern said, describing the meeting as “interesting and cordial.”New WJC President Ronald Lauder, who headed the delegation, said that the pope had agreed in principle to host a “joint event” with him when Benedict visits New York next year.
WJC Secretary General Michael Schneider was also present at the audience.Iran’s government vehemently denies charges of anti-Semitism, pointing to the peaceful existence in Iran of a 20,000-strong Jewish community, the largest in the Middle East outside Israel.Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provoked an international outcry shortly after his election in 2005 when he called for Israel to be “wiped from the map” and also described the Holocaust as a “myth”.He has since toned down his rhetoric but last week he reaffirmed his deeply controversial questioning of the mass slaughter of Jews in World War II and his suggestion that Israel could be moved to arctic North America. Source: Pope cites Iran to curb anti-Semitism

Pope criticizes Hugo Chavez democratically elected popular government repeating the allegations of US and European countries.

Today, the Pope said, the Church faces the challenges brought by a global economy which “brings with it the risk of vast monopolies and of treating profit as the supreme value.” In Latin America, he added, there is another disquieting trend: “authoritarian forms of government and regimes wedded to certain ideologies that we thought had been superseded.” Here the Pope seemed clearly to be referring to leftist governments such as the Venezuelan regime of Hugo Chavez, who has clashed frequently with Church leaders there.

Pope should explain in detail why questioning Holocaust is such a big sin. There are people who believe that the Holocaust deaths are way too high to be true, all they want to study this historic event in detail which is not illogical drawing so much anger in Europe and US. Look like that Zionists don’t want independent group to study his historic event.

Pope just shut up (Shut up is to0 polite, STFU is appropriate). You are not a person to give advice to Ahmadinejad or as a matter of fact nobody.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Catholicism, Christianity, Christiano-facists, Iran, Islam, Israel, Jews, Judaism, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Pope, Pope Benedict XVI, Religion | 8 Comments »

Peres congratulates Musharraf.

Posted by QB on October 8, 2007

Israel President Shimon Peres congratulated Pervez Musharraf on winning Presidential elections. This is the first time that Israel issued public statement showing their good friendly intentions. President Peres should know that everybody in the world wants peace in Middle East and this include Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries..

Israel congratulated Pervez Musharraf on his re-election as president of Pakistan.President Shimon Peres on Monday published an open letter to Musharraf, a former general who seized power in 1999 and swept to a second term in elections over the weekend.Peres noted that although Islamabad and Jerusalem do not have formal ties, Musharraf has voiced interest in Israeli-Arab peace efforts. Musharraf is an ally of the Bush administration.“You have shown responsibility and strength in preventing the spread of violence and terrorism on many occasions, and I carry in my heart your support for peace in the Middle East,” Peres wrote. “Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.”

The Israeli and Pakistani foreign ministers held surprise talks in 2005, but Pakistan has said it will withhold full recognition of the Jewish state until a Palestinian state is founded.

Peres statement is the first positive step towards peace. The Israeli government has to work hard towards achieving peace by just opening their minds and hearts and accepting that their policies of aggression and oppression were wrong. These policies did not bring any peace and stability from last 60 years and these policies can’t bring peace in the next 100 years. The confrontation will cause death and destruction on both sides.

The Peres know that Ahmadinejad can’t destroy Israel, the fact is that Israel can destroy all the neighboring countries with its WMD. It is in the best interest of the Israel to solve Palestine issue as quickly as possible which will bring peace stability prosperity for Israel and Middle East. The peace treaty giving Palestinians will also destroy Al Qaida without firing a single shot. Al Qaida and terrorism is growing due to wrong policies of US and Israel. Fighting war on terror will keep growing with Bush policy of invasions and occupations.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, George W. Bush, Hamas, Hizbollah, Iran, Israel, Jews, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Musharraf, Pakistan, Palestine, Pervez Musharraf, Politics | Leave a Comment »

Iraq – Will buy 3.4 billion dollars US weapons!

Posted by QB on October 5, 2007

Iraq will buy 3.4 billion dollars US weapons and 100 million dollars weapons from China for its police force.

General David Petraeus told a Senate Committee last month Baghdad has already signed deals to buy $1.6 billions in U.S. arms, with another $1.8 billion in possible purchases set up to happen before the end of this year.

This is interesting. Lets now balance the books.

Cost of War 767.00 billion dollars
Weapons deals 3.40 billion dollars
Net Loss 763.40 billion dollars

Paul Wolfowitz assured Bush that Iraq war will only cost 70 billion dollars, which was the initial cost of invasion. The Iraq war and reconstruction will fund by Iraqi Oil Export was the assurance given by this corrupt Deputy Secretary of Defense. He might have convinced Bush that 70 billion dollars investment will bring huge financial benefits controlling Iraqi Oil Reserves.

The American Zionists, it look like, born and raised in US but are more inclined to protect the interests of State of Israel over US interests. Joe Lieberman is another example of this Zionist mentality, who wants US to attack Iran. Iran is no threat to US or Israel. Iran does not have resources to attack US and Israel with its nuclear weapons has the capability to destroy Iran completely. The Evangelicals, on the other hand, had their religious beliefs to push for Iran attack. According to their religious beliefs Jesus will come back to defend Israel holy land when attacked by Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

The present situation is not very different, which was before the invasion of Iraq. Politicians and mainstream media CNN are continuously spreading lies against Iran. Iran Revolutionary Guards are declared as a “terrorist organization”. The majority of Americans again has brainwashed by politicians and CNN who are in favor of military attack on Iran.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, George W. Bush, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jews, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, US Politics | Leave a Comment »

Hilary Clinton – Barak Obama – John Edwards are like Bush.

Posted by QB on October 4, 2007

Hilary Clinton is running her Presidential campaign on experience promising to bring end to Iraq war but will keep the majority of troops in Iraq. She also promise to engage in diplomacy to resolve the issues with other countries but it look like she would not be any different than Bush if get elected. Hilary Clinton is trying to be on the both sides of the issues, trying to please Democrats to end Iraq war, trying to please Republicans with passing resolutions against Iran. Hilary Clinton Democratic front runner, probably will get the nomination, will again be the bad choice like John Kerry who was nominated on the question of electable defeating Howard Dean, who according to my own reading had the better chance to defeating Bush in 2004.

The stunning admission by Democratic frontrunners Clinton, Obama, and Edwards that they might keep U.S. troops in Iraq beyond 2013 “is tantamount to an announcement of a permanent occupation that could cost U.S. taxpayers $5 trillion and bankrupt any opportunity to address health care reform, education, jobs, or any other domestic policy initiatives,” Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich said today.

The other two Democrats front runner are not different than Hilary Clinton. Obama opposes the Iraq invasion but he is promising new confrontations with crossing Pakistan borders, John Edwards who voted in favor of Iraq invasion, did applogize his vote in 2004 bid for Vice Presidency, support keeping us troops in Iraq. Hilary Clinton also believe in using limited nuclear weapons in Iran. There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans when it come to dealing the present world crisis, with these tough talks without even analyzing the consequences of their stupid actions.

The US government politicians take advantage of Americans ignorance with spinning the Middle East issues with the security of Israel. The following is an excellent example of this spin.

“‘Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran,’ John McCain sang to the tune of Barbara Ann.McCain then added, “Iran is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That alone should concern us but now they are trying for nuclear capabilities. I totally support the President when he says we will not allow Iran to destroy Israel.”

This is the most stupid answer he give to reporters, which am sure is applauded by the majority of Republicans. The Americans really don’t know that there is no danger of Israel destruction with stockpile of Nuclear, Biological Weapons they possessed. Israel is capable of destroying all neighboring countries including Iran. The other fact is that  media has overplayed this “Wipe off the map” propaganda ignoring Ahmadinejad actual sentence which was “The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time”, the Imam in this sentence was Khomeini. CNN Fox News and the European print media spread rumors instead of actual news with biased to achieve the goals of Zionist. The majority of Americans and European believe that Ahmadinejad wanted to “Wipe out Israel of the map” is excellent example of twisting the facts.

The polls conducted by Fox News show 51 percent Americans support Military action against Iran and over 80 percent believe that Iran nuclear program is aimed at producing nuclear weapons only 6 percent believe that Iranian nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. The US Senate and House of Representatives have passed a non binding resolution declaring Iran Revolutionary Guards “terrorist organization”, Hilary Clinton voted in favor of this resolution like other 75 Senators. This is the deja vu before invasion of Iraq with majority of Americans public and politicians lost their sanity which caused the Iraq mess. Bush will take advantage of these polls and Senate and House of Representative non binding resolutions to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, that will be bigger blunder than Iraq invasion.

The Bush regime, if decided to attack Iran, will be fighting another war for Israel on cost of American tax payers money and human cost. Iran if had nuclear weapons can’t take risk to using it on Israel because they know the consequences of such attack.

Dennis Kucinich is the only Democratic Presidential candidate who can bring the US troops home from Iraq, can defuse tensions with Iran with diplomacy has really no chance of getting nomination. The result Bush will evacuate White House for someone like him Democrat or Republican.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Asia, Bush, George W. Bush, Iran, Iran Nuclear Program, Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, Presidential Race 2008, US Politics | Leave a Comment »

Israel & USA real threat to world peace.

Posted by QB on October 1, 2007

The latest news is that Israel is considering to downgrading its diplomatic relationship with Venezuela for having close warm relationship with Iran. The Israeli Ambassador to Venezuela is due to leave his post in next June and the Foreign Ministry has to name his replacement. The Israel Foreign Ministry will send the acting Ambassador downgrading its diplomatic ties with Venezuela. The Israeli government is following the footsteps of Bush regime that anyone who does not agree with their policies of aggression occupation oppression is their enemy. Hugo Chavez also criticized Israel invasion of Lebanon and and attacking Palestinians calling it “Methods of Hitler”. Hugo Chavez believe that Israel are doing what Hitler did killing innocent children and entire families. The Israeli downgrading its diplomatic ties will not really hurt Venezuela and it certainly will not hurt Israel. Hugo Chavez is the most dynamic charismatic leader is going in a direction which if continue will isolate Israel and USA. Hugo Chavez diplomacy is successful with Latin America coming together with close ties with Iran, China, Russia are the clear proof of his strong leadership. Israeli government and Bush regime must understand that nobody is so stupid to hate Americans and Jews, it is their policies which are hated. The Israeli government and Bush regime instead of listening the grievances reject them calling them the “enemy” of Israel and USA, “enemy of Jews”, “antisemite”, people who hate “freedom and democracy”, people who hate “American way of life”, very simple approach instead of looking at them rationally.

The US has become very intolerant country since Bush moved into White House with voices of moderation has gone into background overtaken by religious fundamentalism creating new alliances to support Israel government polices of aggressions and continuing its own polices of aggression and occupations. These policies are the source of problems which both these governments completely ignore and acknowledge. These policies are fueling more hatred and there is no hope for peace in the world. The US is pushing Zionists agenda blocking all the efforts to bring positive change with democracy. The only democracy which they accept the puppets governments endorsing their policies.

Britain and Israel expressed interest on US Campaign of surgical bombing raids on Iran Revolutionary Guards


Really bring smile on my face that Britain, Israel and US governments can be so stupid controlled by mental retards. Go ahead do it. The result will  be disaster for Britain, Israel and USA.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, George W. Bush, Hugo Chavez, Iran, Israel, Jews, Latin America, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Politics, South America, US Politics, Venezuela | 3 Comments »

The Holocaust: “The most documented event in human history”! By David Duke

Posted by QB on September 27, 2007

This article written by David Duke is interesting very neutral. David Duke feared that Lee Bollinger statement related to holocaust “The most documented event in human history” will become the slogan for mainstream media to shutup any criticism of this event. David Duke has also mentioned that there is no recorded evidence of gas chamber killings and Red Cross believe that there were no mass murder of Jews happened during WWII. Please read the article which proves that holocaust is the most undocumented history which should and must be further investigated.

The Holocaust By David Duke

Posted in Holocaust, Israel, Jews, Politics | 5 Comments »

Ahmadinejad questioned by Kidnapped Israeli Soldier’s Wife.

Posted by QB on September 27, 2007

Ahmadinejad UN press conference transcript and videos are available at many websites so not really getting into the content of his press conference here I will only deal with the wife of Israel Kidnapped soldier’s wife question. She asked the question directly to Ahmadinejad and his reaction during the whole question was smile.

Goldwasser said she was not afraid to present the president with her question, and asked him, “Hello, my name is Karnit, the wife of Ehud Goldwasser, the soldier who has been held captive for over a year. Since you are the man that is behind the kidnapping due to the aid you grant Hizbullah, why don’t you allow the Red Cross to visit the two soldiers?” she asked.

The wife of this kidnapped Israeli soldier is trying desperately everything possible to get some news about his abducted husband from last one year. There was really nothing wrong with her sneaking into the UN press conference except the question. She blamed Amhadiinejad for her soldier kidnapping which is not the truth, it is the propaganda promoted by Israeli and US government. The propaganda is used by Israel and US government to brainwash their citizens by keep repeating the lies on print and electronic media. This poor wife of Israeli soldier is the simple case of Israeli and US government lies and my sympathies are with her as I can understand her feelings.

Ahmadinejad can’t be blamed for Israeli soldiers kidnapping. This is true that Iranian government has close ties with Hizbollah which get their financial and military aid. Israeli government is the recipient of biggest US financial and military aid compared to the rest of the world. She has to look this matter in broad perspective, Ahmadinejad is responsible for two Israeli soldiers kidnapping than Bush regime and all the previous US governments are responsible for illegal abduction of tens of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese who are in Israeli prisons for decades. These Palestinians and Lebanese prisoners are also the sons, husbands, fathers and the families don’t have any information these prisoners.

Dear Sister Karnit you are the victim of Israeli and US government wrong policies of aggression oppressions and occupation. Look at the facts that these two Israeli soldiers were kidnapped to negotiate the release of Lebanese prisoners. The Israeli government refused to get engaged in any negotiations instead attacked Lebanon carpet bombing the villages with cluster bombs killing thousands of innocent women children and unarmed civilians. The best way to pursue the release of your husband is to put pressure on your own government to start the negotiations with Hizbollah for their prisoners who were illegally abducted and are in your country prisons. The peace is only possible with your Arab neighbors when majority of Israelis stop supporting the wrong policies of their government.

The soldiers kidnapped by Hizbollah according to my analysis are alive and treated very well as they are Hizbollah greatest chance of getting their own prisoners released.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Bush, Hizbollah, Iran, Israel, Jews, Lebanon, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, United Nations | Leave a Comment »

Ahmadinejad UN Speech full of fire and truth. UN General Assembly 2007 Speech Transcript.

Posted by QB on September 25, 2007

Ahmadinejad speech was full of fire at UN General Assembly where he criticize USA Britain France Germany and other USA European allies without mentioning their names. Ahmadinejad this year speech was better than his last year UN General Assembly speech. Ahmadinejad very strongly criticized the UN Security Council which is dominated by the big five permanent members using it to protect their own interests with punishing the countries with brutal embargo and sanctions.

Ahmadinejad did mentioned the human rights violations of US government by clearly pointing out to secret prisons wire taping of its own citizens. Ahmadinejad criticize the Israel Zionist government.

The full transcript of his speech will be posted as soon it get available on the internet. Reading the full transcript of his speech will help the people to understand his point of view. Following are few quotes from his speech.

“In the last two years, abusing the Security Council, the arrogant powers have repeatedly accused Iran and even made military threats and imposed illegal sanctions against it,” the Iranian leader said.

“Fortunately, the IAEA has recently tried to regain its legal role as support of the rights of its members while supervising nuclear activities,” he said. “We see this as a correct approach adopted by the agency.”

“Previously, they illegally insisted on politicizing the Iranian nation’s nuclear case, but today, because of the resistance of the Iranian nation, the issue is back to the agency, and I officially announce that in our opinion the nuclear issue of Iran is now closed and has turned into an ordinary agency matter,” Ahmadinejad said.

Iran will now “pursue the issue through its appropriate legal path, one that runs through the IAEA, and to disregard unlawful and political impositions by the arrogant powers,” he said.

Speaking to reporters later, Ahmadinejad attempted to clarify Tehran’s stance on its nuclear program.

“It’s closed as a political issue,” he said, stressing that it is a legal issue “and therefore should have been examined solely within the framework of the IAEA.”

“However, certain big powers … have made every effort to turn a simple legal issue into a very loud, controversial, political issue,” he said.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): In the name of God, the compassionate and the merciful, oh, God, hasten the arrival of Imam al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his rightfulness.

Mr. President, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased and grateful to the almighty to have the opportunity once again to attend this important universal forum.

In the present tumultuous world and with the predominance of loud outcries, threats and tensions, and at a time when the big powers are unable to solve present problems, when mistrust in regional and international arenas is on the rise, when the psychological security of societies is being targeted by an onslaught of political and propaganda designs, and disappointment prevails over efficacy of policies and actions of the international organizations in the establishment of a durable peace and security, and the protection of human rights is being weakened, I plan to touch upon and explain the roots of and the ways out of these predicaments and some of the principal challenges facing our world.

I will also speak to you about the need for remedying the present situation, prospects for a brighter and more hopeful future, and about the appearance of the sublime and beauty, compassion and generosity, justice and blossoming of all the God-given human talents and the prominence of faith in God and realization of the promise of God.

I will then submit to your judgment the nuclear issue of Iran as a reality and testing ground for the measurement of honesty, efficacy, steadfastness and accomplishment.

In the closing part of my statement, I will offer my proposals.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Dear friends and colleagues, as you are all aware, mankind is currently facing important, numerous and diverse challenges and I will refer to some of them.

One, organized attempts to destroy the institution of family and to weaken the status of women. Family is the most sacred and valuable human institution that serves as the center of the purest mutual love and affection amongst mothers, fathers and children, and as a safe environment for the nurturing of human generations and a fertile ground for the blossoming of talents and compassion.

This institution has always been respected by all peoples, religions and cultures. Today, we are witnessing an organized invasion by the enemies of humanity and plunderers to destroy this noble institution that is targeted by promoting lewdness, violence and by breaking the boundaries of chastity and decency.

The precious existence of women, as the manifestation of divine beauty and as the peak of kindness, affection and purity has been the target of heavy exploitation in recent decades by the holders of power and the owners of media and wealth.

In some societies, this beloved human has been reduced to a mere instrument of publicity and all the boundaries and protective shields of chastity, purity and beauty have been trampled. This is a colossal betrayal of human society, of succeeding generations and an irreparable blow to the pillar of social coherence, the family.

Two, widespread violations of human rights, terrorism and occupation.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Unfortunately, human rights are being extensively violated by certain powers, especially by those who pretend to be their exclusive advocates.

Setting up secret prisons, abducting persons, trials and secret punishments, without any regard to due process, extensive tappings of telephone conversations, intercepting private mail, and frequent summons to police and security centers have become commonplace and prevalent.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): They use various pretexts to occupy sovereign states and cause insecurity and division, and then use the prevailing situation as an excuse to continue their occupation.

For more than 60 years, Palestine, as compensation for the loss that they incurred during the war in Europe, has been under occupation of the illegal Zionist regime.

The Palestinian people have been displaced or are under heavy military pressure, economic siege, or are incarcerated under abhorrent conditions. The occupiers are protected and praised, while the innocent Palestinians are subjected to political, military, and propaganda onslaught.

The people of Palestine are deprived of water, electricity, and medicine for the sin of asking for freedom. And the government that was freely elected by the people is targeted.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Terrorists are being organized to attack the lives and property of the people with the blessings of the politicians and military officials of the big powers. The brutal Zionists carry out targeted assassinations of Palestinians in their homes and cities, and terrorists are decorated with medals of peace and receive support from the big powers.

On the other hand, they gather a number of Jews from different parts of the world through false propaganda and with the promise of providing them with welfare, jobs and food, and settle them in the occupied territories, exposing them to the harshest restrictions, psychological pressures and constant threats.

They prevent these people from returning to their homelands and by coercion and propaganda induce them to malevolence toward the indigenous Palestinian people.

Iraq was occupied under the pretext of overthrowing a dictator and the existence of weapons of mass destruction. The Iraqi dictator, who had been supported by the same occupiers, was disposed of, and no weapons of mass destruction were discovered. But the occupation continues under different excuses. No day passes without people being killed, wounded or displaced. And the occupiers not only refuse to be accountable and ashamed of their adventure, but speak in a report of a new market for their armaments as a result of their military adventure.

They even oppose the constitution the national assembly and the government established by the vote of the people while they do not even have the courage to declare their defeat and exit Iraq.

Unfortunately, we are witnessing the biter truth that some powers do not value any nation or human beings and the only things that matter to them are themselves, their political parties and their groups.

In their view, human rights are tantamount to profits for their companies and their friends. The rights and dignity of the American people are also being sacrificed for the selfish desires of those holding power.

Three, aggressions against indigenous cultures and national values.

Culture is the manifestation of identity and the key to the survival of nations and the foundation for their interaction with others. In an organized movement, indigenous cultures that are messengers of monotheism, love and fraternity are being subjected to broad and destructive aggressions. National customs and values are humiliated, and the self-esteem and character of nations are ridiculed and defamed.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): The purpose is to promote blind emulations, consumerism, skepticism toward God and human values, and plundering other people’s wealth by big powers.

Fourth: Poverty, illiteracy, health care issues, and the gap between the poor and rich. While a major part of the natural environment in Asia, Africa, and Latin American is being plundered by the political and economic domination of certain powers, the situation of poverty and depravation is very alarming.

Let me draw your attention to some data which was issued by the United Nations. Every day, close to 800 million people go to bed hungry, and about 980 million suffered from absolute poverty with less than $1 a day in purchasing power.

People of 31 countries, equivalent to 9 percent of the world’s population, have an average life expectancy of 46 years, which is 32 years less than the average of developed countries.

The gap between the rich and the poor in some parts of the world has increased by 40 times, and many countries, the majority of the people are deprived of access to education and schooling.

In developing countries, the maternal mortality rate during pregnancy is 450 per 100,000. This ratio is seven in the richer nations and the ratio of mortality of new births is 59 for developing countries and six for the richer nations. One-third of the deaths in the world, or 50,000 people daily, result from poverty. I believe this data clearly demonstrates the tragic situation dominating economic interactions in the world.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Five: Ignoring noble values and the promotion of deception and lies. Some powers sacrifice all human values, including honesty, purity, and trust for the advancement of their goals.

They propagate skepticism and deception in their relations between states and peoples. They lie openly, level baseless charges against others, act contrary to legal norms and damage the climate of trust and friendship.

They openly abandon morality and noble values in their relations with others and substitute selfishness, supremacy, amnesty and imposition for justice, respect for others, love, affection and honesty. They sacrifice all the good things and the sublime in life for their own greed.

Six: Violations of rules of international law and disrespect of commitments. Some who were themselves the drafters of international law openly and easily violate it and apply discriminatory policies and double standards to others. They drafted disarmament regulations, but every day test and stock pile new generations of lethal weapons.

They frame the Charter of the United Nations, but show disrespect to the right of self-determination and independence of sovereign nations. They conveniently abrogate their (inaudible) and do not yield to laws concerning protection of the environment. Most of the violations of international obligations are committed by a few global powers.

Seven: Escalation of threats and the arms race.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Some powers, whenever their logic fails, simply use the language of threat. The huge arms race casts a shadow of threats over the globe. The nations of Europe were the victims of two world wars and a number of other devastating conflicts and were subjected to the consequences of the Cold War for many decades.

Today, they’re living under the shadow of the threat and their interests, security and lands are endangered under the shadow of the arms race imposed by certain big powers. A bullying power allows itself the right to set up a missile system, makes the life of the people of the continent bitter and lays the ground for an arms race.

Some rulers, who superficially appear to be powerful, believe the tools they have at hand can be used at any time and for any purpose, and consequently, threaten others and cast a shadow of insecurity over nations and regions.

International organizations and mechanisms clearly lack the capacity to overcome problems and challenges to put in fair — place fair and just relations of peace, fraternity and security. There is hardly any government or nation that places much hope in these mechanisms to secure its rights or defend its independence, territorial integrity and national interests.

Dear friends and colleagues, there are many more challenges than the ones I have enumerated and I know that one would have introduced more if one had wanted to touch upon them. But I chose to confine myself to the ones I have stated. Now the important and decisive question concerns the roots and causes of these challenges.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): A scientific and careful analysis shows that the root of the present situation lies in two fundamental factors.

Without doubt, the first factor lies in the relations arising from the consequences of the Second World War. The victors of the war drew the road map for global domination and formulated their policies not on the basis of justice, but for ensuring the interests of the victors over the vanquished nations.

Therefore, mechanisms arising from this approach and related policies have not been capable of finding just solutions for global solutions since 60 years ago.

Some big powers still behave like the victors of the world war and regard other states and nations, even those that had nothing to do with the war, as the vanquished and humiliate other nations and demand extortion through condescending positions similar to that of the master-servant relationship of the Medieval ages.

They believe that they should have more rights than others and also are not accountable to any international organizations.

Mr. President, among all the ineffective bodies, unfortunately the U.N. Security Council ranks first. They have created circumstances in which some powers with exclusive and special right to veto in the Security Council act as prosecutor, judge and executioner, regardless of being a defendant or respondent.

It is natural for countries have been subjected to those powers’ infringements of their rights have no hope in getting what they deserve from the council.

Unfortunately, humanity has witnessed in all long wars, like the Korean and Vietnam wars, the war of the Zionists against the Palestinians and against Lebanon, the war of Saddam against the people of Iran, and the ethnic wards of Europe and Africa, one of the members of the Security Council was one of the belligerents who supported one party against the other, usually the aggressor for the conflict itself.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Let’s look at Iraq. They first occupied the country and then received authorization from the Security Council, the same council in which the same occupiers have the right to veto.

Who should the people of Iraq complain about? And where should they take their complaints with hopes of securing their rights?

We saw in Lebanon that some powers for a long 33 days prevented the Security Council from taking any action against the Zionist regime with the hope of giving them time to achieve victory.

However, when they became disappointed in seeing their hopes unfulfilled, they decided to cease the hostility by adopting a resolution. But the duty of the Security Council is to prevent the expansion of conflicts, to put in place cease-fires, and to promote peace and safety.

To whom and what organization should the people of Lebanon complain?

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the presence of some monopolistic powers has prevented the Security Council from performing its main duty which is the maintenance of international peace and security based on justice.

The credibility of the council has been tarnished and its efficacy in defending the rights of the U.N. member states has been undermined. Many nations have lost their confidence in the council.

Some other mechanisms, such as the monetary and banking mechanisms, are in the same undesirable situation and have been turned into tools for the imposition of the wishes of some powers on other nations.

It is evident that these mechanisms are not capable of responding to current needs and solving challenges and establishing fair and sustainable relations.

Dear colleagues, again, there is no doubt that the second and more important factor is some big powers’ disregard of morals, divine values, the teachings of the prophets and the instructions by the almighty God, as well as the rule of the (inaudible).

How can the incompetents, who cannot even manage and control themselves, rule humanity and arrange its affairs?

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Unfortunately, they have put themselves in the position of God. They were in servitude to their own whims and the desire to have everything for themselves.

For them, human dignity and the lives, properties, and territories of others are no longer respected. Humanity has had a deep wound on its tired body, caused by impious powers, for centuries.

Today, the problems that people around the world face are mainly rooted in the disregard of human values and ethics, and also in the rule of the selfish and incompetent.

Friends, ladies, and gentlemen, the only sustainable way to the betterment of mankind is the return to the teachings of the divine prophets, monotheism, respect for the dignity of humans, and the flow of love and affection in all relationships, ties, and regulations, and to reform the present structures on this basis.

To fulfill this objective, I invite everyone — everybody to form a front of fraternity, amity, and sustainable peace, based on monotheism and justice, under the name of “Coalition for Peace,” (ph) to prevent incursions and arrogance and to promote the culture of affection and justice.

I hereby announce that, with the help of all independent, justice-seeking and peace-loving nations, the Islamic Republic of Iran will be heading down this path.

Monotheism, justice, and compassion for humans should dominate all the pillars of the U.N. And this organization should be a forum for justice, and every member should enjoy equal spiritual and legal support.

The general assembly, as the representative of the international community, should be considered the most important pillar of the U.N., in order to, free from any pressure and threats by the powers, take required measures for the reforming of the U.N. structures, and especially change the present status of the Security Council and defined new structures, based on justice and democracy with the purpose of becoming responsive to the present requirements and to be able to settle existing challenges, heading to the establishment of an enduring stability and security.

Mr. President, Excellencies, the nuclear issue of Iran is a clear example of how such mechanisms perform and the prevailing thoughts behind them.

You are all aware that Iran is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and has always observed its rules and regulation, and has had the most extensive cooperation with this agency in all areas.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): All our nuclear activities have been completely peaceful and transparent. According to the statute of the IAEA, any member has a number of rights and obligations. In fact, all members have to stay on a peaceful path and, under the supervision of the agency, assist other members. And they are entitled to be supported by the agency and have access to the fuel cycle with the help of the agency and its members.

Thus far, Iran has fulfilled all of its obligations but has been deprived of other members’ technical assistance and, even at times, of the agency’s support.

For about five years, some of the aforementioned powers have, by exerting heavy pressure on the IAEA, attempted to prevent the Iranian nation from exercising its rights. They have derailed Iran’s nuclear issue from its legal tracks and have politicized the atmosphere to impose their wishes through taking advantage of all their potentials.

The government of Iran spared no effort to build confidence. But they were not satisfied with anything short of the complete halt of all activities, even those related to research and university fields. They were only after depriving the Iranian people of their inalienable rights, even to the extent that those centers not involved in the fuel cycle or not in need of supervision by the agency were closed.

After three years of negotiations and attempts to build confidence, the Iranian nation came to the firm belief that the main concern of these powers is not the possible deviation of Iran’s nuclear activities, but is to prevent its scientific progress under this pretext.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): And if this trend continues, there will be no possibility for Iran to enjoy its rights, not even in the next 20 years.

Therefore, Iran decided to pursue the issue through its appropriate, legal path, one that runs through the IAEA, and to disregard unlawful and political impositions by the arrogant powers.

In the last two years, abusing the Security Council, the arrogant powers have repeatedly accused Iran and even made military threats and imposed illegal sanctions against it.

However, by the grace of faith in God and national unity, Iran has moved forward step by step, and now our country is recognized as one with the capacity for industrial-scale fuel cycle production for peaceful purposes.

Unfortunately, the Security Council, in dealing with this obvious legal issue, was influenced by some bullying powers and failed to uphold justice and protect the rights of the Iranian people.

Fortunately, the IAEA has recently tried to regain its legal role as supporter of the rights of its members while supervising nuclear activities. We see this as a correct approach adopted by the agency.

Previously, they illegally insisted on politicizing the Iranian nation’s nuclear case, but today, because of the resistance of the Iranian nation, the issue is back to the agency.

And I officially announce that in our opinion the nuclear issue of Iran is now closed and has turned into an ordinary agency matter.

Today, many important questions have been raised about the nuclear activities of certain powers within the IAEA which should be dealt with properly.

Of course, Iran has always been and will be prepared to have constructive talks with all parties. I would like to thank all the nations and countries that during this difficult period defended the legal rights of my nation and motherland. And I also want to appreciate the members of the Non-Aligned Movement, our friends in the Security Council and the IAEA’s Board of Governors, the committed and law-abiding experts of the agency, and its director general, for their standing by the law.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): I would also like to announce that, unlike the monopolistic powers, the Iranian nation is ready to offer to other members its experiences in the form of educational programs and based on its obligations under the agency’s statue and under its supervision.

Now I would like to address those who have shown hostility toward the Iranian nation for about five years, offended and accused my people who have contributed to the history and civilization of the world. And I advise them to learn from history and their recent actions.

They badly mistreated the great Iranian nation, but they should be careful not to inflict the same on other members of international organizations and not to sacrifice the dignity of international organizations for the sake of their unlawful wishes.

Today, the nations of the world are wide awake and resistant. If you reform yourself, the world, the whole world will be reformed. Nations are inherently good and can coexist peacefully. Those powers should endeavor to serve their own people, others do not need them.

Is it not high time for these powers to return from the path of arrogance and obedience to Satan to the path of faith in God? Would they not like to be cleansed of the impurities, submit to the will of God and believe in him?

Faith in God means believing in honesty, purity, justice and compassion for others. They can be certain that they will benefit from purity, honesty, justice, and loving and respecting the human dignity.

They can also be certain that such values are more and more considered appropriate, valuable and beautiful by the nations of the world.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): This is the invitation of all the divine prophets, from Adam to Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and Mohammed, peace be upon up him. If they accept this invitation, they will be saved. And if they don’t, the same calamities that befell the people of distant past will befall them, as well.

According to the Holy Koran, one who does not answer the divine call should not think that he has weakened God on earth. He has no companion but God and he is clearly engulfed by darkness. They have nothing of their own and cannot escape from the dominion of the rule of God and his will.

In this important gathering, I have to remind them of the following words of the almighty which has been mentioned in the Holy Koran. Do they not look at the powers and governments which came before them? If the people of the past had actually possessed something, they would have kept it and would not have let you possess it now.

God destroyed them because of their sins and nobody could protect them against the will of god. These powers have to know that the thoughts and methods based on oppression and injustice are doomed to failure. Do they not see the signs of vigilance and resistance based on monotheism, philanthropy and the justice-seeking spirit of the nations of the world? Do they not notice that we are nearing the sunset of the time of empires? I hope that this invitation will have a practical answer.

Excellencies, peoples and governments are not obliged to obey the injustice of certain powers. These powers, because of the reasons already mentioned, have lost the competence to lead the world. I officially declare that the age of relations arising from the second World War, as well as the era of materialistic thoughts based on arrogance and domination, is well over now.

AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Humanity has passed a perilous precipice, and the age of monotheism, purity, affinity, respecting others, justice and true peace-loving has commenced.

It is a divine promise that the truth will be victorious and the Earth will be inherited by the righteous. You who are free, believers and the people of the world, put your trust in God.

You who crave high values, wherever you are, try to prepare the grounds for the fulfillment of this great divine promise by serving the people and seeking justice.

The era of darkness will end. Prisoners will return home. The occupied lands will be freed. Palestine and Iraq will be liberated from the domination of the occupiers. And the people of America and Europe will be free of the pressures exerted by the Zionists.

The tenderhearted and humanity-loving governments will replace the aggressive and domineering ones. Human dignity will be regained.

The pleasing aroma of justice will permeate the world, and people will live together in a brotherly and affectionate manner.

Striving in this way to surrender rule to the righteous and perfect human, the promised one, is indeed the final cure for the wounds of humanity, the solution of all problems and the establishment of love, beauty, justice and a dignified life all over the world.

This belief and endeavor is the key to unity and the constructive interaction among nations, countries, the people of the world and all the true justice seekers.

Without any doubt, the promised one who is the ultimate savior, along with Jesus Christ and other holy saviors, will come. In the company of all believers, justice seekers and benefactors, he will establish a bright future and fill the world with justice and duty.

This is the promise of God, therefore it will be fulfilled.

Come, let’s play a part in the fulfillment of all this glory and duty. I wish for a bright future for all human beings and the dawn of the liberation of and freedom for all humans, and the rule of love and affection all around the world, as well as the elimination of oppression, hatred, and violence, a wish which I expect will be realized in the near future.

Thank you very much.


Source : Washington Post.

Posted in Ahmadinejad, Asia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East War, Middle Eastern affairs, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics, United Nations, United Nations Security Council, US Politics, USA | 4 Comments »