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Pope Benedict XVI open his mouth again!

Posted by QB on October 9, 2007

Pope Benedict XVI open his mouth again to lecture Iran on anti-Semitism. He is the same guy who has, with his stupid statements, created hatred between Christians and Muslims.

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI today targeted Iran as he vowed to help fight anti-Semitism, a top official of the World Jewish Congress said following an audience with the pontiff.“We thanked the Holy Father for everything he did for the Jewish people, and more importantly what he will do,” WJC vice secretary general Maram Stern told AFP.The pope “recognised the question of Iran as an issue of big concern for him,” Stern said, adding that Benedict pledged “to find how the message can be made, through education, to avoid the hatred of the Iranian leadership towards the Jews and Israel.“He expressed his concern over the rise in anti-Semitism. The Holy Father said he was very aware of it (and wants to) find a way to make it less prominent through education,” Stern said.The pontiff said “co-operation between the Jewish people and the Church is a matter that is close to his heart,” Stern said, describing the meeting as “interesting and cordial.”New WJC President Ronald Lauder, who headed the delegation, said that the pope had agreed in principle to host a “joint event” with him when Benedict visits New York next year.
WJC Secretary General Michael Schneider was also present at the audience.Iran’s government vehemently denies charges of anti-Semitism, pointing to the peaceful existence in Iran of a 20,000-strong Jewish community, the largest in the Middle East outside Israel.Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provoked an international outcry shortly after his election in 2005 when he called for Israel to be “wiped from the map” and also described the Holocaust as a “myth”.He has since toned down his rhetoric but last week he reaffirmed his deeply controversial questioning of the mass slaughter of Jews in World War II and his suggestion that Israel could be moved to arctic North America. Source: Pope cites Iran to curb anti-Semitism

Pope criticizes Hugo Chavez democratically elected popular government repeating the allegations of US and European countries.

Today, the Pope said, the Church faces the challenges brought by a global economy which “brings with it the risk of vast monopolies and of treating profit as the supreme value.” In Latin America, he added, there is another disquieting trend: “authoritarian forms of government and regimes wedded to certain ideologies that we thought had been superseded.” Here the Pope seemed clearly to be referring to leftist governments such as the Venezuelan regime of Hugo Chavez, who has clashed frequently with Church leaders there.

Pope should explain in detail why questioning Holocaust is such a big sin. There are people who believe that the Holocaust deaths are way too high to be true, all they want to study this historic event in detail which is not illogical drawing so much anger in Europe and US. Look like that Zionists don’t want independent group to study his historic event.

Pope just shut up (Shut up is to0 polite, STFU is appropriate). You are not a person to give advice to Ahmadinejad or as a matter of fact nobody.

8 Responses to “Pope Benedict XVI open his mouth again!”

  1. Maureen said

    “…a top official of the World Jewish Congress said…”

    If this is true, where is the Vatican’s statement on it.

  2. QB said

    Maureen really don’t know, published it without looking for Vatican statement simply because am not big fan of this Pope.

  3. Another Voice said

    WOW…this is a frightening post. Not the pope’s words, but the analysis! It’s also quite funny that you are telling the pope to shut up. I’m not sure, but I don’t imagine he makes too much time to check out blogs run by hacks, spewing their thoughtless opinions. Analysis–yes, that might be useful for your readers. “Open letters” to world religious leaders–that’s probably beyond your reach.

  4. QB said

    Did not expected radical Catholic like you to read my blog and really do not have any ambitions expectations to reach Vatican. Did not ask you to come here and read what I am saying. You don’t like it, go away and don’t come back again.

  5. costigan said

    de pope is de antichrist he will charge law , time , month clarm to be holyfather of de earth be carefull pope u shall give an account of what u did on earth. also u pope recieve de powers from the beast which is satan . i now u , thank GOD for the prophercy and the bible . u want to take u.s.a as ur goat so that u can talk true the goat which is u.s.a . becareful when open ur mouth. thanks be to GOD IT SHALL COME TO PASS AND IT HAS STARTED am an catholic

  6. An Iranian said

    Dear Another Voice:
    Don’t look at how says something .Just
    look what that person says .I respect the Pope because he is a leader of some people .But I don’t agree on what he said above .Why many of them are so afraid of holocaust to be studied more ?
    Isn’t it silly .I personally do not know if it is wrong or right .

  7. An Iranian said

    Continued :
    But when I see some groups are so offensive in respect to more research ,I really become suspicious.Is there any basic figure in west not to be treated on occasion with two different result and analysis ?!
    if freedom in thinking and talking is confirmed ,so let the people
    think and say their opinion .The excellency Pope is just a human .he is not God .He can make mistake as all the present Muslim leaders may do the same .Look at the depth of their talks.
    I think famous and important people should be really sensitive and careful in what they say.Life is really short and worthless . We all should be fair.
    I also do not know why Hugo should be counted as a bad guy ? Just look at his reforms inside his country and his plans for future

  8. QB said

    Iranian Friend,

    This Pope is an idiot. Did like Pope John Paul II, am just waiting for this old fool to die so they can chose some intelligent Pope.

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