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The Electability Factor. Presidential Race 2008.

Posted by QB on October 31, 2007

The electability factor which is very much emphasized by the political analysts and political consultants is another method of voters distraction to keep the main stream corrupt politicians in power. The political consultants make their money from running politician candidates so what they say on television is not truth its always what is in the best interest of their business. It will be interesting for the people to know two Democrats Paul Begala and James Carville, who were the co-hosts of CNN Crossfire, started spreading misinformation and lies against Howard Dean who was the front runner with the chances of getting the nomination. The Paul Begala and James Carville lies am sure still could be found on CNN Crossfire archives. These two did bring the electability factor of Howard Dean against Bush and keep pushing their propaganda until he lost New Hampshire primary. The Democrats chose John Kerry with the wrong assumption that he has the military credentials to beat George Bush but the result was he defeated with few million votes. We are now two months and few days away from first primaries and where electability factor is in play with comparing Republicans and Democrats front runners without actually analyzing their foreign and domestic policies.

The Democrats believe that it is Hilary Clinton has the best chances of winning the White House race in 2008. Hilary Clinton who is leading in the polls with a chance to win Democratic party nomination, will be the most weak Presidential candidate against tough Republican nominee with the chances of losing general election. The religious right will come out to vote to make sure that she lose the election. The religious right voters hate Clintons and do not want to see another Clinton in office, the religious conservative voters are much more organized in brining their votes out during the election than Democrats and this will again give power to Republicans.

Barak Obama win the US Senate seat because he was straight talking politician standing up for what is right. He has become the typical politician, less than four years in Senate, that he is not very different than Hilary Clinton or Bush. Barak Obama don’t have any chances of getting the party nomination.

Rudy Giuliani running on 9/11 tough guy platform which actually is the biggest lie. Rudy Giuliani as the NY Mayor did after the 9/11 attack to visit the ground zero few dozen times, called off the search and recovery efforts after finding Scotia Bank gold, lack of respect, 12 Arrests as NY Firefighters Protest Curbs on Search for Bodies. Rudy Giuliani did not show any leadership by visiting 9/11 ground zero any other mayor would have done what he did after twin tower attack. Rudy Giuliani wanted to continue Bush “war on terror” with keeping US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq for long time, he wanted to attack Iran based on same lies used against Iraq, so he will be continuation of George W, Bush Presidency. Rudy Giuliani has the better chances of winning Presidential election against Hiliary Clinton. John McCain and Mitt Romney are not very different than Rudy Giuliani.

The real Democrat Presidential candidate who can change the course of Bush wrong policies of aggressions is Dennis Kucinich. The real Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul has the plan to change Bush foreign policies blunder. These both candidates can repair the US image destroyed by Bush regime in the world.  Bush policies,  the Republican Presidential candidates front runner policies, the Democrats Presidential candidates policies will lead to more deaths and destructions. These front runners will keep putting fuel on fire which will create more hatred towards US and that all they do for political material gains for big corporations.

2 Responses to “The Electability Factor. Presidential Race 2008.”

  1. You might find this of interest

    John Edwards for President

  2. Blackmale said

    Why would we as Americans vote into office a bigotted black male over a white female in this country. We claim to be the Land of the Free and after over two hundred years we still haven’t had a female president….I know you say the same about a black person but lets put this in the order in which they should occur. Amazing that other countries that the Bush Wacker in the White House doesn’t consider “free” already have women in high places. Doesn’t say much for our being “free”

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